[center]Clara had not exactly known what had compelled her to entertain the man before her. She was used to simply finding the easiest and perhaps the most attractive target, pulling the strings whichever way she so desired once she had him ensnared, and then she would ultimately get what she wanted and dispose of him come morning. If anyone should try to switch the roles on her, well, she wasn't used to giving up that control just yet, and when it eventually would happen, there would have to be a hell of a good reason for it. Yet there she was, suddenly in the hold of some man who had seemingly sought her out instead of the other way around. Something about it did intrigue her enough to pull her in, curious if, perhaps, he was all he seemed to present himself as. He knew how to play the game, she would give that to him at least, but she wasn't so sure if he could execute the moves… Only momentarily had her thoughts shifted back to Jaden, so terribly frustrated and angry that her night had turned into what it had. She was used to being the one to leave him for whatever reason, not the other way around. Hell, she even entertained the thought of lingering by his side at least for a moment that night, but the first chance there was he had disappeared and hadn't even bothered to check in. It was unlike him, she knew, but it still didn't help her forgive him either. It was the one thing that had gotten under her skin, evoked such anger that was deep within her only due to the fact that it reminded her that she was so easily replaced – just as she had been tossed aside like a used piece of paper on the beach that night so many centuries ago. Ever since then she thirsted for the attention, thrived once she had gotten it, and was only angered when she was denied it – needing to live in constant reassurances just to get her through the evening. Where Jaden had left her, she had angrily thrown herself into the arms of a stranger, one that seemed to lure her in with each move and each touch that danced across her body. It was both alarming and alluring all in the same – easy to get lost in the motions that their bodies continued to play out; eager to forget the anger and cause that continued to surge within her. Had it been that frustration that led her to this – that made it so terribly [i]easy[/i] to give herself over? Or perhaps it was the liquor that continued to run through her, dulling her inhibitions to a point of wanting to not care any further? All she was entirely aware of as the time slipped on was how his hands had roamed her body freely, his touch sending electricity through her skin, and the inevitable heat that she felt building within her slowly enough which she knew full well would need to be released. The combination of the pulsating music, his touch, the liquor in her system was enough to make her throw caution to the wind, but then again, she'd never been that easy. Her back had been against him at first, her ass pressed against him as her body rocked and swayed with his before she had turned. Once more the distance was lost between them as Clara pulled herself close, her body flush to his as her arms snaked around his neck. Again, that quick moment of familiarity had danced across her senses, but it had been lost just as quickly as it came. "Who [i]are[/i] you, anyway?" Ah, there had been no introductions, only a primal need that had shot through Clara before she could even deny it. "Because, you seem like a man who knows exactly what he wants… and knows [i]exactly[/i] how to get it…" [/center]