Vala stood there after presenting herself and just observed the room and the people who were now present in it. The inquisitor was well... the same, the guardsman was also not really interesting. The woman that entered and had a really interesting hat and coat was well a lot more intriguing. Vala wasn't sure exactly from where that woman hailed. Her coat reminded the merc of a certain rogue trader she once met. They also seemed to prefer as showy garbs as this one. It was then that the atmosphere in the room changed. Something felt wrong and caused Vala to narrow her eyes for a moment, steeling herself. This was... no... it maybe... couldn't be. Vala's hand lightning fast was already on her laspistol. She threw a quick glances around and verified that the inquisitor was not taking action indeed. Then this must not be an enemy attack. The former mercenary had an idea of what had just happened. She felt similar things just before she was picked up by the Imperium. She glanced left and right, confirming that no one was there which left only one place where the new arrival could be... Behind her! She tried to take a single step back, but quickly pressed against the woman standing behind herself.[color=9e0b0f][i]' I knew it...'[/i][/color] Vala thought, not really amused by this. She hated having people in her blind spot. She usually fired at such cases right away with the inquisitor's calm looking state being the only thing that made her no shoot right away. [color=9e0b0f]“Ahm..., would you kindly step away from my blind spot, please?”[/color] Vala asked the woman who was behind her. Yes she realized it was a woman the moment she felt the rather soft front when she tried to take that step back.[color=9e0b0f]” It's kind of annoying to have someone in my blind spot and not fire at them...”[/color]