Oh, were we supposed to share a favorite moment? I have far, FAR too many -- and most require a great deal of explanation or having been present. Though doing four shifts of damage (a solid hit) against a for using a jacket (enemy was a fairy, so he said the large winter coat should be AOE and negate the bonus they had to dodge. Also my character got a boost from succeed in with style against slipping, since she's very agile and originally based on a cat. Or there's the time her older version hijacked a tank...anything with her, really. She tried ramming a dragon with a tank once. A lot of great moments come from ooc discussion during the game. I have a collection of quotes from my groups. <3 Oh, there's the time a couple was surprised by their own wedding...it makes sense in context. Or the time my char, the one who hijacked the tank, made two mages back into range of an artifact that turned them into a god. The proposal of a date following my dude getting eaten by a dragon (he got better) was pretty epic. And there's been babies and marriage proposals and hangover arcs. We had someone try to blow us up during one hangover arc, but brcause we were in an area with toon physics, everyone was fine (again, it makes sense in context). Or the time we had an in universe yaoonfangirl give the president of Harold a copy of a fanfiction she'd wrten abourhim and his head of intellligance...that was hilarious, and resulted in the DM actually writing a few lines of fanfic. *giggles* So yeah, lots of awesome over the years. <3