[hider=Ismidus Valkoran] Name: Ismidus Valkoran Homeworld: Ismidus was born and raised on Epsilon Kappa Pentium, a Mechanicus research station dedicated to studying archeotech ruins on the frontier world below, Iracothus. Epsilon Kappa Pentium itself is primarily populated by Mechanicus researchers, although several families of the smartest from the planet below are brought up to serve as servants and workers for tasks too complex for a servitor. Iracothus itself is something of a desert world. The surface of the planet is populated by giant burrow worms that infest the land. The residents of the planet survive by living on large platforms suspended above the surface, and by drawing water out from below the surface. The entire infrastructure of the planet is a variation of old archeotech, hence the mechanicum's interest. Since the locals barely understand the machines that keep them alive, they are completely indebted to the cult mechanicus. Age: 135 Gender: Male (Note: As a higher ranking member of the Cult Mechanicus, Ismidus's body has been augmented past the point of a noticeable gender. While he does remember that he is male, it is only because of his obsessive need to horde knowledge.) Height and weight: 6ft 8in, 400lbs Alignment: Mars Specialty: Tech Expert, Secondary Medic Appearance: If you ever manage to get a good look under Ismidus's gear, don't expect to live for much longer. The inner cybernetics holding his frame together are considered sacred, and above the gaze of the uninitiated. Beneath his robes is a whirring fusion of man and machine. Wires and couplings expand all across his body, and electoo implants channel energy throughout his body from his internal potentia coil. Since he is not yet a Magos, small portions of skin still remain, such as his forehead and parts of his chest. However, Ismidus is eager to rid himself of these impurities as soon as he has earned the right. As if his form wasn't unnatural enough, equally intimidating is the array of mechedendrites, both weaponized and utility, that can uncurl from his back and raise several feet above him. Uniform: While Ismidus does wear a suit of carapace armor, bolstered by a layer of sub-dermal armor, it is quite rare that anyone would see it. This is due to Ismidus's Mechanicus robes. The robes are a bright red, and cover his entire body, save for his lower face beneath his hood, and a hole in the back for his Mechedendrites. Additionally, none of his gear is customized, as to do so would imply defects within the perfect construction of the machine spirits. Armament: Plasma Gun Power Axe Human Bolt Pistol Mechedendrite Servo Arm Various Utility Mechedendrites Baleful Eye (emergency hotshot laspistol in the right eye) Luminen Capacitor (upgraded and weaponized electoo implants) Ferric Lures Maglev Coils Personality/Demeanor: Most would consider tech priests to be highly eccentric, though they would respond that they simply have "purer thought". Ismidus is no exception. Ismidus possesses a strange bond of aloofness and obsession. When it comes to things that interest him, be it technology, study, or the mere chance at knowledge, Ismidus will devote nearly his entire focus to it. Ismidus is something of a hoarder of knowledge, and will store any source of knowledge he can find within his quarters. On the other side of the coin, Ismidus is frankly bored by the mundanity of the lives of those of flesh. Outside of the study of the functions of living bodies, he cares little for their affairs. He'll even go so far as to completely tune out of a conversation, if he even entered it at all, and run calculations instead. However, in the rare event that a human peaks his interest, the unfortunate soul may find themselves stalked by his looming figure more often then they'd like. Biography: Ismidus Valkoran has spent his entire life within the shadow of the Mechanicum's influence. He was born on research station Epsilon Kappa Pentium to a family of workers in service to the Mechanicum. After they died, in a mechanical accident, Ismidus resolved to be more then an orphan rat in the cogs of the machine. He took the Mechanicus's aptitude test, and scored high enough to be inducted into the Cult Mechanicus on a nearby forge world. Even while Ismidus's mind was slowly converted to more logical, ordered thought, he retained his ambition to succeed in the Cult Mechanicus, and contribute to the quest for knowledge. He was assigned to the station of his birth, as he was familiar with its operation already. It was here that he drew the attention of Magos Errant Balthazar Cheugeon. The Magos was interested in his constant desire to learn, and sought to mentor him so it would not turn into the heresy of idle curiosity. Under his guidance, Ismidus slowly began to ascend the ranks of the Mechanicum. When he was around 50, Ismidus was finally granted access into the Archeotech ruins on the planet below. There he studied and toiled for the next 70 years, until something went wrong. Ismidus was authorized to examine the power supply of what was assumed to be an inner security system of the complex. However, a heretek hidden within the ranks began to sabotage the work of his fellow priests. Ismidus was successful in stopping the corruption of the facility, but several of his brothers died in the clash. Not wanting to lose such a promising student to the laws of the Mechanicus, Balthazar declared that as penance, Ismidus would serve an old associate of his in the inquisition, Lord Inquisitor Aemellius. Ismidus agreed, and desires to be rid of this responsibility as soon as possible, so he can continue his work towards becoming a Magos Errant himself. [/hider]