"If we make it there and everything is okay, we can send someone to come and pick you guys up." Joe wiped his nose with his forearm. "And if something happens to us I can shoot this up in the air." Joe dug through one of the many bags we'd brought along with us and pulled out a flare gun. "If you see the flare, that means something bad happened or is about to happen and to get out of this cabin. If we run into Jaxlor's and they see the flare, they'll know we're signaling someone else out there. They'll come looking for you." Joe sneezed a few times before taking a deep breath and continuing on. "If we leave in the morning, you can give us until nightfall. If no one comes for you by the next day, then we didn't get a chance to signal you and we've got our asses kicked." He paused. "We're kind of screwed either way. Might as well take a chance right? If we're good, you're good. If we're not-" Joe took a few quick breaths, preparing to sneeze, but it went away. "Then you run." He finished.