[center][hider=Klaus Knuez][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/17/ce/8b/17ce8b1ee67f54c3f4dc321a741ecb7b.jpg[/img] [h3][color=2e3192]"Would you like a cup of tea?"[/color][/h3] [b]Name:[/b] [color=2e3192]"My name is Klaus Knuez. A pleasure to make your acquaintance."[/color] [b]Age:[/b] [color=2e3192]"I am seventeen years of age, though people have commented on me being older... I can seldom grasp why.[/color] [b]Gender:[/b] [color=2e3192]"I do believe I look masculine enough... however, if you need clarification, I am a male.[/color] [b]Appearance:[/b] [color=2e3192]"My hair? Is it of natural coloration? Why no, it's actually dyed! Hm? What's with that bemused look?"[/color] Composed and patient, the young butler stands at an estimated height of 1.88 m; Klaus is often seen exhibiting a well mannered simple grin as he stands almost at the ready. Much like the other butlers, he is physically fit, but doesn't display a similar amount of muscle to the other butlers. His build seems average, but with his height, demeanor, and appearance, most would mistake him for a much older student or servant at the university. He sports pale white skin that barely holds any distinction from snow, save for a light peach color. Klaus' eyes are a dull shade of purple and has dyed purple hair. His natural hair color, however, is of a brown distinction. His wear is usually formal and are usually tuxedos; he lacks any sort of informal attire. He does prefer the much more "regal" colors like purple and blue, but his visage will have some form of white or black on him. His current garment involves a purple suit and pants, crisply pressed. Instead of the usual bow tie, he sports a blue tie that poofs outwards. Underneath the coat his waistcoat which is a light shade of lavender. The shirt beneath that is white, lacking any sort of hue. Surprisingly, the only thing that isn't a shade of purple are his glowing black shoes and sabled socks. [b]Year:[/b] [color=2e3192]"This is my first year attending the university. My Master wished for me to be fully prepared for what challenges lie ahead, so I chose to be held back two more years."[/color] [b]Rank:[/b] [color=2e3192]"I was tried and set at the Journeyman rank... to be frank, it is something I fail to comprehend with my paltry set of magic."[/color] [b]Room No.:[/b] [color=2e3192]"My room number is 82-B; the individuals there are pleasant, but they could work on being more systematic."[/color] [b]Personality:[/b] [color=2e3192]"People say I have the quirk of going 'hm' a lot... hm... I don't note of it, you?"[/color] Generally speaking, Klaus falls under the appearance of a stock "calm and collected" persona. As he grew up under the careful watch of his Master, he grew into a somewhat polite young man who seems to be almost rough around the edges when he talks (i.e. says something to upset another). Very seldom is he seen without a smile on his face, ready to serve another person. His speech does come off as formal for the most part, unchanging unless faced with what he finds to be a hollow situation... but thankfully he is somewhat lax for the most part. Klaus is probably one of the more dedicated mages out there, often working to further himself in the world and strives obsessively for perfection in certain areas. This can lead him to compulsively dusting a room until the tiniest molecules invading the area completely disperse to shining a shoe until it begins lighting up more brightly than a Christmas Tree. For all his dedication, he does oft beat himself up, truly seeing himself as one of the lesser mages of the realm. While he does frankly want to become the next Archetype, he solemnly believes that he lacks the talent and won't be anything better than a butler. However, it is difficult to pick up on this, considering his mannerisms can come off as dry humor or just poking fun at himself. This can also lead to him assisting other mages in their growth, or at least attempting to. Can actually lose his usual demeanor to anger if complimented on his magical abilities. His character tics range from his demure but usual upright stance. Along with that, he has verbal tics, sometimes adding a "hm" when he speaks. From time to time, as strange as it sounds, Klaus may carry his materials on his platter instead of his satchel. Usually due to him enjoying the confused reactions of others. Despite his affable and upstanding appearances, he does enjoy dying his hair different colors, most notably purple. He also has a tea obsession. [b]Magic Discipline:[/b] [color=2e3192]"I'm not really comfortable talking about my magic as it truly isn't as grandeur as the other magi at the University."[/color] [i]Belief Magic: Subcategory of Existence[/i] Klaus' magic stems from the strength of his conviction, his own beliefs, to alter the world around him. As a journeyman the magic is limited to small pockets and himself. While his own beliefs can waver and change this can cause an efflux in the strength of his powers, albeit temporarily. While waiting to readjust, he can "tap" into other people's beliefs as resources, however, he can suffer from the same problem as before if anyone beings undergoing a metamorphosis of their beliefs or their faith begins to crumble. Along with that, their views must line up somewhat appropriately to get the full extent of his powers as he won't be able to expend himself to the peak of his abilities if he cannot. - [i]Belief:[/i] This magic applies change directly onto Klaus himself. This belief acts as a sort of exchange of sorts where he can garner an asset to help him in combat. However, in exchange to keep equilibrium, he must curse himself with a weakness to offset it. However, there are ways of getting around the equal exchange part of his magic (i.e. tapping into another's beliefs at full strength/[i]Faith[/i]). An extreme example of this was if he wanted to make himself a wall that could never be damaged, he would have to sacrifice all of his mobility. Another example that he gains the power of flight but sinks like a rock when in water. When coming to "magical" elements, lets say he wishes to use ice magic. In return, he takes more damage from those affiliated with fire magic. What happens if he tries to make an unequal deal or get a better ability while remedying the weakness? Well, lets just say he has a tendency to cough up blood and grow even more paler than he usually looks. Should end well with him trying to force himself to improve. - [i]Faith:[/i] When used, he can tap into the other ideologies of other people and use that to empower himself whether or not his own view has crumbled. This can give him a little more strength needed to get a weaker flaw or a more impregnable power. Of course, as stated above, if anyone's belief doesn't exactly line up with his, the cons will outweigh the pros. Even more so if he isn't careful, as it can cause some alteration to his own beliefs which in return causes debilitation. - [i]Tenet:[/i] Using his magic, Klaus can create an immobile bubble that reaches up to twenty meters in circumference. In this bubble, he can alter the rules of this small world to his advantage, changing any of the functions. However this can prove to be a double-edged sword as whatever affects the person will in turn affect him. As an example, lets say he triples the gravity of the world. Unless he leaves, it will continue to affect him, as well as his opponent. The bubble only stays for fifteen minutes and he cannot change its location or make a new one until this one has dissipated. It always forms at the center of Klaus. - [i]Truth and Lies:[/i] As a minor extent of his abilities, Klaus has the ability to discern the difference between truths and lies. While this ability is passive, there are ways to avoid getting called out on a lie, such as telling a part of the truth. However, twisting the truth to your advantage isn't a very good idea. Usually telling a lie and truth in one will always seem to muddle his brain and give him a little head ache. [b]Equipment:[/b] [color=2e3192]"One piece I keep on me is this platter of mine... hm? Why? In any chance I might need to use it... you wish to hold it? Very well, but be careful. It's a lot heavier than your usual platter, being about... hm... an estimate of thirty kilograms." "Hm? My satchel? Oh, it's used to carry miscellaneous items and anything school related. It's nothing special, truly."[/color] [b]Biography:[/b] [color=2e3192]"I was born to two hardworking mages who wanted to see their son succeed. What more can I say?"[/color] Klaus' parents were nothing outstanding to be quite frank - one was at the Master rank while the latter gave up on succeeding at the test and stayed at the rank of Journeyman. Neither of them expected to have a child so early on in their life and struggled to make ends meet while keeping Klaus happy. It wasn't until he was five when they received an offer, stating that he was one of many who had great magic potential. While there were more blandishments, they saw the signature of a Grandmaster. They were sold on the prospect of wanting their son to rise above their occupation and allowed the man to take in Klaus. The first years was filled with menial chores and benign tasks which seemed to annoy and tax the less patient of children who question when they were going to begin training in magic. A year later, five of those ten were left. Through determination, the Grandmaster began putting them all through rigorous training as well as difficult education and physical pursuits. If they were to hone their mind, they would all need to have healthy bodies to go along. After myriads of years of service to the hardworking, yet slightly immature man, they all received an invitation to go to B.U.M. by none other than their own master. He, of course, warned against this, requesting them to think on this decision. At the end of the week, only Klaus remained. The next two years were much harder since the Grandmaster could focus solely on one pupil and drill him down. That and he lived in a manor, which meant Klaus had to clean all the whole place thoroughly as well as quickly. It stressed the young man out, but over time he became accustomed to it, as well as his magic. Those two extra years seemed to pay off, but in Klaus' mind, he felt it wasn't enough. He felt he hadn't reached his peak state, denoting himself mentally as mediocre. And much to his befuddlement, he is now beginning his first year at B.U.M. as a Journeyman... he still questions his Grandmasters judgement on this subject, as well as the schools. Was he truly prepared? [b]Master:[/b] [hider=Gerald Retsiem][color=2e3192]"My Masters name is Gerald Retsiem, one of the realms fifty Grandmasters. Despite his elderly appearance, there are times when he acts mature and other times where he pranks us, much like some of us would at a younger age. He's probably one of the richest mages from what I've learned and to go along with that, he usually takes in myriads of apprentices as a challenge from what I heard, usually ten. However, due to the way he trained us, after the first year, half of the children left to find another Master." "Regardless, after cleaning his house, doing chores, and the usual schoolwork, he became a lot more serious and stern, though he never lost his amusing behavior..." "How old were we when we were apprenticed? We were all around five to seven at the time, with me being the baby of the bunch. Our control over magic improved exponentially and after ten years of grueling service, he offered us a choice. Stay and train for two extra years or begin attending B.U.M. Most of us were eager to depart, myself included... but he request we stay for one more week." "After that one week, only I remained because I realized that I probably wasn't ready yet... while it was only I having to clean up the house, it was tough but honest work. I still had time to spare for family and acquaintances, but for the most part it was all work... hm? Did it get boring? Sort of, I won't waltz around with honeyed words, but I wish to believe the effort was well spent in the end..." "Hm? What rank are the other Apprentice's that I served aside in? Apologies, but I don't know that answer."[/color][/hider] [b]If[/b] [Klaus] [b]was forced to sacrifice something important in order to move forward, it would be:[/b] [color=2e3192]"That's... quite a hefty question, considering that I don't truly have anything I consider important aside from my family, magic and master... hmm maybe the bonds that I will eventually build up with other people? Fond memories and sorts that cement friendships. If that wouldn't work... my master? This is a very loaded question... and to be frank, it doesn't sit well with me"[/color] [b]If[/b] [Klaus] [b]was offered to have a single wish fulfilled, it would be:[/b] [color=2e3192]"Hm... it's either fulfilling my dream of becoming an Archetype or returning what I was forced to sacrifice. Hmm? Why is the former apart of this? Because I'm unsure of what else to do... I mean, I could always become a butler to my master, but eventually even he will pass on. I need a solid foundation for myself." "...? Why would I want what I sacrificed back? If it truly was important, wouldn't you wish for it back?... hm... this simplistic question truly boggles my mind and leads me to discover myriads of questions in its wake... I will have to expand on these two items in the future..."[/color][/hider][/center]