[center][color=gray][h3]Leisy Takigawa[/h3][/color] Feyhollow Town Outskirts[/center] Soon enough all the berry containers were empty and both Bidein and Naunet were satiated. The Fletchling was again situated comfortably on Leisy’s shoulder, lids heavy over his eyes as he tried not to doze off. Naunet on the other hand had long since given up and was now dozing comfortably against Leisy’s leg. Even the grouchy green-grey had given up and was now sitting, staring into space as it burped loudly. [color=gray]”Ready to go now?”[/color] Leisy asked her Pokemon, gathering them up. Naunet plopped down, staring at her trainer pitifully as to not be required to walk the rest of the way back to town. Smiling, Leisy recalled the Piplup and picked herself up the rock before picking up all the empty containers around her. She glanced towards the wild Pokemon, a hesitant smile on her face although she couldn’t help but ask. [color=gray]”Would I be able to convince you to come with me?”[/color] The Pokemon perked up at her words, eyes narrowing again as they focused on the trainer. Shooting up, the rock skin Pokemon scanned over the trainer, frowning as it stood in thought. After a few seconds of looking between Leisy and its empty cave, the Pokemon growled a noncommittal response, walking over to Leisy. Leisy stared at the Pokemon as it approached, frozen in surprise before she recovered herself and produced a Pokeball from her bag. [color=gray]”Welcome to the team,”[/color] Leisy said with a smile, reaching down. She paused as she reached out with the capture capsule, pursing her lips at the Pokemon. Although she didn’t know what kind of Pokemon it was, the glint of pride and unforeseen strength told her all she needed. [color=gray]”What do you think about the name ‘Devinco?’ ‘Devi’ for short.’”[/color] The Larvitar grinned, tapping the button on the Pokeball and allowing the beam of red light to whisk it up. [hr] [center][color=indianred][h3]Shanae Eller[/h3][/color] Central City[/center] Amatorius touched his hand to the shard, eyes closing as both the Igglybuff and the stone were enveloped in a bright light. Shanae’s eyes remained like giant orbs as her baby ball of fluff grew in size, emerging a rosy rather than pale pink with gorgeously cute green eyes. [color=indianred]”Oh my [i]god[/i] you’re so cute!”[/color] Shanae shrieked, wrapping the Igglybuff-turned-Jigglypuff into a hug. The Pokemon was too surprised to react as its trainer swooped him up, spinning in a circle with the Pokemon in her arms before she set him back down. [color=indianred]”Ebon, what do you think?”[/color] Shanae asked, looking towards her Houndour. The fire Pokemon walked over to his teammate, giving the changed Pokemon a sniff before sitting back down on his haunches and snorting. [color=indianred]”He means to say he approves, Tori,”[/color] Shanae translated, rolling her eyes. She should have known better than to ask the grump. [color=indianred]”Let’s go test out your new skillset, Tori,”[/color] Shanae said, waving her Pokemon along with her. [color=indianred]”Maybe we’ll even find a new recruit or two if we’re lucky.”[/color] [hr] Leisy caught a Larvitar Shanae evolved her Igglybuff --> Jigglypuff