[center][img] http://i.imgur.com/Bypw9Uw.png?1[/img][/center] [h3]Dead, he is dead. The King of Gods, is dead. Struck low by an assassin’s knife, though the Assassin himself will know torment as few others have felt. Still we are without a leader, a vacuum of power threatens to throw our world into Chaos. Ariakath now stands without a true ruler, the Gods of the different nations living among their mortals, and each pondering who they should swear fealty to, or vying for power. Should we not come together, and decide on a new King then everything will be gone forever. With the death of the King the Barrier between the Mortal Realm, the realm we rule as Immortal stands to fall to, and to let loose upon our creation the Maruk. The deaths of our creations would surely follow this. So we must decide! Someone must become King of the Gods, through force, or through Fealty.[/h3] [hr] [h2][b]OOC Information[/b][/h2] The world of Arikath created by a Pantheon of Gods who live among those Mortals they created. They each rule a different domain, and each live in nations devoted to those domains. This world while ruled by many Gods ultimately had one true King, and the King of the Gods was named Rieth, his domain being that of the Immortal. Any being that lived forever was under his rule. He had created another race of beings though, one weaker than the gods, but more populated. These were known as the Maruk, but their hatred of life and violent tendencies began to destroy the world. Rieth then retreated into a dark place within the world, and called up powers as he never had before, he created children liken to himself to rule the lands once he banished the Maruk. Using a great power he forced the Maruk into another plane of existence, and created a barrier to keep them there. This barrier though required his constant presence in the heavens above. It was here that Rieth ruled the other Gods from, no longer able to interact with the mortals, but rather he created a Utopia filled with Immortals of all sorts. This was all while his children ruled on the ground in the mortal world, toiling under the constant supervision of their father as they cared for the world he had created, caring for the mortals that were there children, that they had to watch slowly wither with age, and die. Over time though the Maruk created a small breach in the barrier, a single assassin escaping through. This assassin murdered King Rieth in his sleep. With the King’s death the barrier begins to fell, his powers waiting to be taken by one of his children. The only way for one of the Gods to take his power is for all the others to swear fealty, or those that don’t to be destroyed. Will the Gods come together and resolve the matter peacefully? Or will there be war among the Gods? Can they have a new king? Or will the Realms fall into an apocalyptic war between immortals. In this roleplaying you will be taking on the role of a God or Goddess, picking their domains, and creating their people, cities, and lands living with them, sharing your life with them. You see them on the streets everyday, and they are able to worship you in person. You will rule them benevolently, or ruthlessly. You will be part of the race as all the Gods decide on who will become their new King. You can toss your own bid into this, or support or another. Will you fight for rule? Fight for another to rule? Try to solve things peacefully? It’s up to you. [hr] [h2][b]Rules[/b][/h2] [list][*]You can only create one god for now. [*]Don’t overpower your creations please. [*]This RP isn’t about winning or losing. It’s about the story. [*]I’ll provide a list of domains, but if you’d like to suggest one please do. [*]Respect, and have fun. That’s what this is about! [*]Not really a rule, but I can be found on the Discord chat sometimes to ask questions if you need to ask [*]Again have fun. [*]Standard Rules apply, no mary sues or gary sues god modding etc [*]This is a High Casual, Low Advanced RP, so dedicated roleplayers please[/list] [hr] [h2][b]Character Creation[/b][/h2] Gods will be created through a character sheet format, followed by the creation of their lands, and people/culture. Your people, and culture should be compatible with your domain. Gods Bane Weapons: Are weapons capable of killing Gods, like other weapons would kill mortals. [b]Major Domains[/b] Death [@MonkeyBusiness] War Slain during the Rebellion he lead, by Ilyona Pestilence [@Obscene Symphony] Storms [@Yennefer] Life [@Aquaknight] Darkness [@Arty Fox] Family Killed by Ahru during War's Rebellion The Sun [@ClocktowerEchos] Honor [@VKAllen] Seas [@LokiLEO789] The Forge [@Gizm0] Love Killed by War at the beginning of the Rebellion after she refused his advances to make her his Queen. Greed Killed by Oksana during War's rebellion. Murder Slain by Myria during the rebellion Alcohol, and Drugs [@Tackytaff] Lust [@Core] Mischief [@Diggerton] Time [@Kit N Kat] Knowledge MIA Madness [@Sophrus] Dragons [@dragonmancer] (If the Domain you’d like to have as a Major Domain is not listed please just ask. Also just because you have a major domain in one of those areas doesn’t mean you can’t have traits of a different domain. For instance if your domain is war, it doesn’t mean you can’t be honorable. Or if your domain is death doesn’t mean you can’t appreciate life.) [B]Minor Deities[/b] (Demigods turned Full God after their Parent's death. As powerful as a full God but only have Minor Domains, and no center of power. They hold less sway among the other Gods, but that can change.) Naqqash, God of Pain and Loss Son of Greed [@agentmanatee] Zadia, Goddess of Amazons, Daughter of War [@Yennefer] [hider=Character Sheet] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] Gods can be fickle [b]Appearance:[/b] Written or picture. I’d prefer no badly anime. Western Style art is fine, very detailed anime would be fine as well. All Gods and Goddesses stand between 12 and 14 feet tall please try to give a bit of specification in that regard [b]Personality:[/b] [b]Major Domain:[/b] Only one [b]Minor Domains:[/b] No more than two. You can make these as need be. Be sure no one else has claimed it. [b]Your Avatar:[/b] Every God and Goddess has an Avatar, these usually take the form or a monster, or animal, and are usually enormous, around the size of the statue of liberty. [b]Stance:[/b] This is your stance on what is currently taking place, who you support if anyone or yourself etc... [b]Loyalty During the Rebellion:[/b] Centuries ago there War rebelled against the King of Gods, and attempted to Usurp his throne. He failed though and was slain by Ilyona during a siege of the King's realm. All Gods chose a side, and several died during the rebellion, but at the end they all reconciled. Who did your God Side with? [b]Center of Power:[/b] A small object no larger than a softball, but no bigger than a grape. This object represents the power you god holds over their major domain. These are important as any who wish to become the King of Gods must have every center of power offered to them and fit into it's place on the throne so that they may sit upon it. Once they have sat upon the throne they will then return the Centers of Power to their prospective owners. (Or maybe they wont.) [b]Relations:[/b] If you want to collaborate pre-existing relationships with other places, please put them here. [b]Powers:[/b] Let’s get a semblance of an idea what your character is capable of doing in combat. [b]Godly Equipment:[/b] List what you have here, and what it does. [b]Demi Gods:[/b] These are children you have had with mortals. You cannot have more than 2. Please list their names, and what their supernatural properties are for being your child. They also typically stand around 8 to 10 feet tall [b]Name of your Land:[/b] [b]Lands:[/b] Flora, Fauna, Geography. Whats the land like where you live. [b]People:[/b] What species are they? What ethnicity are they? Describe them here. [b]Culture:[/b] What do your people do? How do they live? What do they enjoy? Architecture? [b]Technology:[/b] What level of Technology do they have? Nothing later than early medieval [b]Capital:[/b] What is the capital of your lands? Name it and describe it. [b]Beings:[/b] What other immortal creatures live in your lands? Nymphs? Ogres? Elementals? List them here if they are not a main population of your creations. Some creatures just happened without any god creating them.[/hider] If you feel like I missed anything. Please let me know. [hr] [hider=my completed CS] [b]Name:[/b] Oksana [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Picture][img] http://coolvibe.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Fantasy-Art-Marat-Ars-Goddess-of-Thunder.jpg[/img][/hider] 12’2 [b]Personality:[/b] Cool, and aloof Oksana will often keep herself refrained from including herself in any situation right away, rather she waits to see what would be best for her. She cares deeply for her people and can be quite jovial among them and her daughters who she considers the light of her life. Fierce and determined when she has made up her mind, Oksana is a force to be reckoned with when someone stands in her way. [b]Major Domain:[/b] Storms [b]Minor Domains:[/b] Duels, Hunting [b]Your Avatar:[/b] [hider=thunderbird][img] https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/cc/0d/99/cc0d99a6f663f97107d57ac0a322ee88.jpg[/img][/hider] 287 feet tall with a wingspan almost 3 times its height. The Thunderbird is capable of sending blasts of powerful lightning bolts from its beak, and create lightning storms with its wings. [b]Stance:[/b] Currently Neutral having no desire for the throne herself, and not supporting any other gods as of yet. [b]Loyalty During the Rebellion:[/b] To the King, she fought valiantly against the War and those who sided with them. Killing greed in a battle for the gate to the heavens. [b]Center of Power:[/b] A glass globe about the size of a orange, the clear glass ball is filled with dark clouds and forks of lightning at all times. [b]Relations:[/b] Aesis: She carries a grudge against, a long held one. A bitter rivalry was between the two after Aesis tried to take her Domain of Storms, she in turn threw him back into the seas, but he took the domain of rain with him. Since they have never gotten along. Ki'ivara: A odd relationship, Oksana is both deeply in love with Ki'ivara, and hates her at the same time, though she would only show the latter in public. After Ki'ivara seduced her and kept her trapped on a Island of a pleasure for a decade, before Oksana's daughters rescued her, she has resented Ki'vara but at the same time dearly missed the secret pleasures that were experienced there. [b]Powers:[/b] She can call in the rains, and summon lightning to her very hands. She of course has the supernatural strength that all gods have, and regeneration powers allowing her to come grow limbs, and heal faster than normal. She also has the power to force duels to be honorable creating a field that doesn’t allow others to get involved. Another minor power allows her to call great packs of wolves to herself that hunt alongside her when she is chasing after mighty prey. [b]Godly Equipment:[/b] The Thunder Glaive, a powerful weapon forged in the heavens. It’s steel night to unbreakable and capable of shattering even steel like glass, it is a god’s bane weapon. [b]Demi Gods:[/b] [hider=Anna][img] http://i.imgur.com/4jQ7o7g.jpg[/img] She gained her Mother’s supernatural strength, and speed. She stays close to Oksana at all times considering herself her mother’s bodyguard.[/hider] [hider=Ygritte][img] http://i.imgur.com/zj05wQJ.jpg[/img] She gained her mother’s regenerations, and abilities to call lightning. With her Gods Bane Bow Wodin she is a deadly foe even for a God.[/hider] [b]Name of your Land:[/b] Aglacia [b]Lands:[/b] Beautiful mountain ranges, cold clear streams, deer, elk, and wolves roam the lands, along with rabbits. Snow covers the ground half the year, but there never seems to be a lack for food. [b]People:[/b] Humans, the people being a variety of skin colors, there is no discrimination in Aglacia based on skin tone. [b]Culture:[/b] The dwellings are simple, usually made of stout sturdy wood in the form of long houses, they have a very free trade society, not thinking much in the way of actual currency they use goods and services. They tend to enjoy simple aspects of life, drinking, romance, lust, hunting. Though they will occasionally have feuds between clans, Oksana and her Daughters seldom let this get out of hand. [b]Technology:[/b] Early Norse [b]Capital:[/b] Skarsga, a relatively simple city, with an enormous wooden wall around it. At the center sits an Enormous long house large enough for three Thunderbirds to fit inside of. [b]Beings:[/b] Giants, they roam the lands in small numbers, standing twenty feet tall, Oksana and her daughters frequently have to fight them, since none of her human creations can. Smorgun the dragon also resides deep inside one of the mountains, it is said that Oksana struck him to the ground in a fight, and built the mountain over him. Other creatures reside in the dark places of Aglacia, but many have never seen them. Occasionally the dead rise, and the warriors of Aglacia must fight them back into the shadows..[/hider]