[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjg4LjI2YjNjNS5RV1Z6YVhNLC4w/zero.regular.png[/img][/center] [hider=Aesis] [center][img]http://img11.deviantart.net/0aa1/i/2013/254/3/3/triton_fortune_hunter___mtg_by_clintcearley-d6hzayg.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] [color=LightBlue]Name[/color]: Aesis [color=LightBlue]Gender[/color]: Male [color=LightBlue]Personality[/color]: Just like there are two sides to every story, there are two sides to every being. Aesis' duality comes in the form of how the public perceives him and who he is on a personal level. Furthermore; Aesis, like many of those who consider themselves to be a divine, has three sides of themselves. Not truly three distinct personalities, nevertheless, he has three ways of looking at things: contemplative, direct, or dubious. His emotional set consists of a phlegmatic disposition, generally unemotional and stolidly calm. Which usually leads to assumptions of a depressed, cynical god, but bitterness and hate has yet to taint his soul. He still has an optimistic view of the world, harbors idealistic dreams, and naively believes that other gods can be trusted. Aesis maintains no disillusion about the state the world is in, however. But it’s a testament to his integrity and nobility, how he has remained an honest and responsible person. In combat, Aesis is: controlled, focused, steady, and conscientious of his surroundings. Every decision is made cautiously and pragmatically; he's vigilant in his efforts and never impulsive. He strives to apply the same manner of thinking to every facet of his immortal life. This is why he doesn't interfere in every dispute and is content with watching until needed. When it comes to Aesis' ability to handle sudden changes and disagreement, his open-mind enables a high degree of adaptability. Because of that, he's able to be tolerant and forgiving of ignorance; whether he's willing to, differs from scenario-to-scenario. But to avoid any interactions outside of his guardianship, he projects a rough, cold exterior. He even goes as far as exiling himself, which further lends to the mysterious lone wolf persona he has adopted. This facade is obviously a guise however, as evident in his altruistic behavior. Once his icy shell has been broken, his warm nature will shine through and the courteous, cultured being with a unique sense of humor and charm will be revealed. [color=LightBlue]Major Domain[/color]: Oceans/Seas [color=LightBlue]Minor Domains[/color]: Water/Rivers/Rain/Streams/Lakes/Marine Life [color=LightBlue]Your Avatar[/color]: [hider=Coulossus] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/79/31/80/7931804b033b0d6881a1f191da44fed5.jpg[/img] [/hider] A massive beast standing more than five-hundreds feet long, it is the epitome of the seas unstoppable rage and destruction. Capable of traveling the world in mere seconds at the speed at which it can swim, nothing can happen in his waters without knowing. It often preys on ships and sailors who enter his territory without paying tonnage. [color=LightBlue]Stance[/color]: Chaotic Neutral; kingship has little meaning to him, but if his natural order is disturbed, he will lash out. [color=LightBlue]Relations[/color]: TBA [color=LightBlue]Powers[/color] The domain of the Sea is a tricky one to describe. It is both a loving and a cruel mistress; water is a giver of life to those who drink from it, growth to the plants it rains on, and certain death to those who fall between it's crushing waves. Likewise, the sea may bring peace to those who swim in it's luxurious shores and a full belly to those who gather fish from it, but to drink too much sea-water is to embrace death for most mortals. At times the sea will provide, and at times it may rise up in a vengeful, inescapable tsunami and crash itself against shores or cities. The sea is home to life too abundant and diverse to comprehend, but with this life comes danger. Sailors may bring home stories of monsters lurking in the depths; humongous, shadowy creatures stalking them for days before suddenly vanishing as they pulled towards the safety of the shore. As the God of Oceans, Aesis embraces both sides of the sea. He has power over it's strong waves and it's playful shores. He breaths it's cool, soothing touch and the painful, fatal suffocation to those who fall too deep beneath it, and both are in his sphere of power. He embodies waters itself, and lords over it confidentially [color=LightBlue]Godly Equipment[/color]: [hider=Riptide] [img]http://img13.deviantart.net/6a53/i/2009/308/e/9/trident_of_the_serpent_king_by_fireproject.jpg[/img][/hider] A weapon that cuts with the destructive force of the ocean, Riptide is capable of ripping about the earth at a single swipe; commanding the oceans at its slightest movement. Standing at 9'0 feet, it is the god of the seas weapon of war. [color=LightBlue]Demi-Gods[/color]: [hider=Aquis] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/b7/96/67/b79667021526e59be1a6035bf5eaa230.jpg[/img] [/Hider] Crown prince of the Atlantis Dominion, he embodies the darkness of the sea. Rage incarnated, tsunamis and hurricanes made real, Aquis stands at a monstrous 9'1", and is the pride of his father. [hider=Aquarius] [img]http://orig04.deviantart.net/b071/f/2012/190/2/7/sea_goddess_by_james_face-d56lstq.png[/img] [/Hider] The princess of the Atlantis Dominion, she embodies the peaceful love of the sea. Beautiful incarnated, ocean breezes and sunny shores made real, Aquis stands at a modest 8'11", crown jewel of the Dominion. [color=LightBlue]Name of your Land[/color]: Atlantis Dominion [color=LightBlue]Lands[/color]: The Ocean was formed by the God of Seas as both a way to show their power and to serve as a catalyst of their divine will in this world. Waves are often seen rippling their way across the surface of the water, and below you'll find an infinite mass of blue (which will be filled with fish, eels, and sealife of all sorts imaginable). Deeper down, the bottom is covered in a thick layer of sand and the occasional loose rock; no sunlight reaches this far into the depths, and as such most life that makes it's way here is strange and hardly pleasing to the eye. Only the most beloved creatures of Aesis have the power to survive so far from the hated surface. Any god may enter these seas, but they should be aware that they are descending into the territory of Aesis. [color=LightBlue]People[/color]: [hider=Mermen] [img] https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/e7/2c/3c/e72c3c002c3527bc7fbae7ca87119ab6.jpg [/img][/hider] Intelligent and malevolent entities of chaotic and peaceful creation that are a living embodiments of the oceans power. Atlantians; commonly known as Mermen, are collectively the greatest servants of Aesis and are potentially a worldly force. They are created at the whim of the seas turbulent power and act as an extension of his will. A Mermen's appearance and intrinsic character reflect the seas true nature, and very constantly due to mutations. This also affects it power and physical and or mental capabilities. However, the sea is fickle and often bestow gifts of change without rhyme or reason. These gifts include mutations such as extra arms, tougher, coloured skin, larger fines, claws and fangs, often decided by the seas power and effect. Mer are a highly emotional and surprising people. Although they can, at times, exhibit crushing logic and reason, they are primarily ruled by their emotions. This is especially true for Mer in large groups, as they telepathically sense each other's feelings and that, in turn, arouses similar feelings in them. This means that thoughts in Mer society work almost like a virus. If a Merman is angry, and he goes home to his wife, she will telepathically pick up on that and become angry too (even if she does not know why). The wife may then go outside and meet a stranger, who will become angry from her anger, and he will go home and cause his family to be angry simply with his presence. Therefore, the emotion spreads like a disease until many, many people have been "infected" with anger, even if nothing valid technically happened to trigger that emotion, other than meeting someone already exhibiting it. [color=LightBlue]Culture[/color]: Almost half of the Mer population live in the great city of Concentus- the capital of the Dominion. Mer in the city, like the fish in an ecosystem, all work for themselves while still benefiting the greater whole- often without noticing it. The rest of the Mer live outside of the city, in small villages or, although somewhat rare, alone. Concentus is much to big and heavy to easily move around, but these smaller towns are often built on semi-buoyant submerged platforms that may be pulled by domesticated Giant Squid or sharks. A Mer will build the platform from a mix of coral, sand, biral (of course), and fish scales. Then they will build their home on top of it and have animals pull it to achieve locomotion. The reason they go through all this trouble to keep themselves mobile is simple: fish. They often follow schools of fish so that they have a constant supply of prey items, and some Mer have even rigged giant baited nets on the exterior of the homes, so that fish will get caught inside as the platform floats along, removing the need for hunting or even leaving the construct. [color=LightBlue]Technology[/color]: Late Egyptian [color=LightBlue]Capital[/color]: Concentus- a massive city in the middle of the Dominion where most of the Mer live in unity under the massive coral castle of thier god king; Aesis. [color=LightBlue]Beings[/color]: Devourer Fish are one of the most well-known breeds of "sea monsters". They- along with StormHunters, Terrorfish, and Mighty Sharks- were created by Aesis to terrorize mortals who entered his domain. Devourer Fish are close relatives to the Angler Fish, and have many of the same habits (including the unusual mating habits). Angler Fish have a natural "lantern" on their head, the light of which lures prey into their waiting jaws. Devourer Fish, on the other hand, have a similar natural lantern- the main difference being that Devourer Fish are imbued with a strong magical element. Their lanterns are able to create any illusion needed to pull in their prey; someone lost in the bottom of the ocean may see it as a light to lead them out, a sailor with a sinking boat will believe it's another ship coming to rescue them from a watery grave, a dying man sees it as a healing force of the gods, and so on. Devourer Fish are very dangerous in this manner, anything one desires they will imitate until you swim right into their grasp. It's far too late by the time the trap that's been set is discovered. Like the Devourer Fish, StormHunters are closely tied to mystical forces, which they use for hunting their prey. Unlike the Devourer, StormHunters do not wait and lure their prey in. Instead, they actively hunt their prey at the absurd speed of ninety miles-per-hour (one-hundred-and-fifty KPH) by invoking the sea to push them faster, and they have been granted the powers to stir up the forces of water at will. They possess an extra organ molded on to the back of their brain, which forms a bond with the elemental forces of the world (particularly that of the ocean and air) and is used at will to spin the waters into a whirlpool, cause lightning to strike it's prey during a storm, or bring rain down from already cloudy skies. It should also be said that they are normally among the most difficult creatures to slay (to kill one of these is to be hailed as a hero by many), and are several times worse during storms. StormHunters serve the purpose of guarding those parts of the ocean furthest from land. They are Aesis' last resort to terrify mortals, and they are generally considered to be the most fatal of his monsters, even more so than the ever-dreaded Mighty Shark. Only a select few brave men and fools approach them willingly. Terrorfish are perhaps not as dangerous as a StormHunter, but they are nearly as terrifying. There is no magical elemental powers to these creatures, there is no cunning lure, there is simply brute strength. Terrorfish swim at an average speed of thirty miles per hour (fifty KPH). They have no known mystical powers, but they do not need them. The lack of magic is easily made up for by an impeccable sense of vision above and below water, the strength to crush iron with their tentacles, an ability to smell prey from over almost a hundred miles away, and a merciless attitude. There is no room in their mind for anything more than eating and destroying, and they favor land-creators who enter the sea. They were created with the express purpose of attacking sailors or deep-sea fishermen. Aesis desires people to enter the water, of course, but he does not want them to do so without certain knowledge of the dangers that may be waiting for them. He is, after all, an embodiment of the sea's bipolar force and rage. All fear the Mighty Shark. They are in many ways identical to "Great White Sharks", with the obvious exception being that they can grow up to be several miles long. They feed their massive bodies by inhaling the water around them (as whales do), sucking in whole schools of fish, squid, eels and whatever or whoever is unfortunate enough to be near them. Like the Terrorfish, they have no mystical powers, but they do have a taste for human flesh and blood. More to be added. [/hider]