Saving progress, dont look yet! [hider] Name: Malal Gender: None Appearance: [hider][img][/img][/hider] Personality: Malal is a jubilant and happy God, generally. His mood changes on a whim, and his actions also reflect this, he is often changing with each passing fancy. Major Domain: Madness Minor Domains: joy, Scholars (the pursuit of knowledge) Your Avatar: [hider= Shambling horror][img][/img][/hider] Stance: Malal's loyalty is random at best or schizophrenic at worst on the surface, but beneath the shifting tides of loyalty there is a method to his madness. Relations: [@ClocktowerEchos] Powers: Malal's powers are as insane as himself, he probably isn't actually aware of the extent of his abilities. He could cause an entire battalion of raging ogres to suddenly become a raging battalion of raging hamsters, or cause them to break down into a hallucinatory rage or have all their armor simply vanish. nobody knows and Malal certainly doesnt. Godly Equipment: List what you have here, and what it does. Demi Gods: [Hider=Mad Knight][img][/img][/hider] Name of your Land: Lands: Flora, Fauna, Geography. Whats the land like where you live. People: What species are they? What ethnicity are they? Describe them here. Culture: What do your people do? How do they live? What do they enjoy? Architecture? Technology: What level of Technology do they have? Nothing later than early medieval Capital: What is the capital of your lands? Name it and describe it. Beings: What other immortal creatures live in your lands? Nymphs? Ogres? Elementals? List them here if they are not a main population of your creations. Some creatures just happened without any god creating them. [/hider]