[center][IMG]http://i66.tinypic.com/eu0cqv.png[/IMG][/center] The conversation continued, drifting towards the subject of chips as two other kids introduced themselves-- Tori and Kyle. With each new voice, Nessa felt tempted to join in the conversation. Even with her strict summer schedule, she had more free time than she knew what to do with. That was why she'd brought so many books and labeled several gaps in her planner as "Something Productive". While she didn't exactly feel like talking about chips was productive, she had read somewhere that you should start networking before you need it. College was fast approaching and maybe one of them had parents in high places... or would one day be in high places themselves. She caught herself before she delved too deep into the realm of possibilities. "[color=8bc0b5]Forget your agenda. Remember-- people, not positions,[/color][url=http://vocaroo.com/i/s19vsQwdrcsA]"[/url] she muttered to herself under her breath. She'd always felt like speaking out loud helped refocus her mind-- though she suddenly felt a little silly for speaking so quietly. She was alone out here after all. Alone... forget your agenda... it would be nice to have friends... for a change. She snatched up the radio as she considered making a joke about the fact that all the food here was junk food. That would be funny... right? "[color=8bc0b5]He-[/color][url=http://vocaroo.com/i/s1e8vq7am7xo]"[/url] she started, but was suddenly cut off by a distant bang. She took her finger off the button and stared out the window where several disturbed birds had just jumped from some place among the trees. She looked down at the binoculars on the desk, ignoring any voices that might be coming through the radio. She picked them up and leaned close to the glass window. It was probably just someone hunting... was hunting allowed out here? She couldn't remember. Through the lens she saw a house. People didn't usually hunt near houses... right? Upon seeing several other people walking about, she concluded that it definitely wasn't somebody hunting. If anyone fired a gun over there with so many people around, they might risk hitting... someone.... She watched uncomfortably as a man dragged an irregularly shaped bag of trash from the house to the dumpster. She furrowed her brow. Yeah, right. As if she'd witness a murder her first day on the job. She pensively tapped the binoculars in her hand with her fingernail for a moment before picking up the radio. A little unnerved, she rubbed the palm of her hand against her forehead as she spoke, "[color=8bc0b5]Hey... Sorry about that. This is Vanessa Chambers-- from Garden Snake. Do any of you guys remember if they allow hunting out here?[/color][url=http://vocaroo.com/i/s0tdrRRG6ekK]"[/url]