[hider=The Girl][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/IyUCer0.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h3][i][color=f49ac2]"I left with the promise to return."[/color][/i][/h3][/center] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjYwLmUwMGI5My5RVzVoYzNSaGMybGhJRmRwYm5Oc1pYUSwuMA,,/dohearts.regular.png[/img][/center] [center][color=f49ac2][i]Anastasia (gr. "ανάσταση") meaning "resurrection"; she who will rise again Heir of the Winslet Kingdom | 17 years of age[/i][/color][/center] [center][h3][hr][hr][color=ec008c]Kingdom of Winslet:[/color][hr][hr][/h3] [color=f49ac2] [b]King[/b]: Rahgard Van Winslet III [b]Queen[/b]: Evangeline Grace Winslet [b]Heir(s)[/b]: Anastasia Winslet (missing)[/color][/center] [center][h3][hr][hr][color=ec008c]Appearance:[/color][hr][hr][/h3] [i][color=6ecff6]Long beautiful hair which flows past her hips, [color=7ea7d8]dark as obsidian, beautiful as the night. [/color] Look deep into her eyes, [color=7ea7d8]and you will see flecks of green and amber in hazel color. [/color] I tell you, her eyes seem to turn into a darker shade of green [color=7ea7d8]when she looks pensively at the endless sky, [/color] seeming to be clouded in thoughts and emotions I will never hear of. [color=7ea7d8]Thick, dark lashes frame her almond eyes,[/color] drawing attention against the pale surface of her soft skin, [color=7ea7d8]devoid of any scars and ink.[/color] Alas, beautiful and forbidden. - [color=7ea7d8]Missing journal entry by R.J., a secret admirer[/color][/color][/i] [color=f49ac2][u][b]Height and Weight: [/b][/u] Anastasia stands at 5'5, with perfect posture and grace. She is small and delicate like a flower, her form showing no signs of experience in training. Soft hands showed the years devoid of any physical labor. She looks light as a feather, but one will never know.[/color][/center] [center][h3][hr][hr][color=ec008c]Beauty is only skin-deep:[/color][hr][hr][/h3][/center] [indent] [u][b][color=f49ac2][color=ec008c]P[/color][sub] E R S O N A L I T Y:[/sub][/color][/b][/u] [color=f49ac2]Anastasia's capacity to love and see the good in everyone is both a blessing and curse. She will repay cruelty with kindness and anger with calm. Unable to decipher who to trust and who to be wary of, one would believe that her naivety will best her one day. However, she does not believe this to be a weakness or naive optimism. After all, everyone was born with a good heart, and those who have been [i]corrupted[/i] due to the trials of life could be redeemed if only given the chance. [i]Sins[/i]. Another word that was of no relevance to her. Those could be forgiven and washed away in the eyes of a good and merciful god. Don't fool yourself into thinking, however, that her loving and compassionate nature will drive her to lay down her life for you. She believes that her existence is of great importance to the world. Selfish, you say? No. Of course, she is the princess; heir to the throne and future Queen of Winslet. The rightful ruler. Her title is not merely a name, but holds an important role to be played in the games of fate. [i]Life[/i]. Sacrifice is nothing but honorable. Die for her, and she will pray for your soul till the end of her days.[/color] [/indent] [center][h3][hr][hr][color=ec008c]Once upon a time:[/color][hr][hr][/h3][/center] [indent] [u][b][color=f49ac2][color=ec008c]B[/color][sub] A C K G R O U N D:[/sub][/color][/b][/u] [color=f49ac2][i]Run. Don't look back. Live.[/i] The voice rung in her ears as her feet traversed the grounds of the forest. Twigs crunched under her shoes, darkness swallowing her as the sun disappeared over the horizon. The birds went quiet, replaced by the stridulation of the crickets that hid in the tall grasses. Her breathing sped up, determined to win the race against the ferocious beating of her heart. [i]Bathump. Batuhump. Bathump.[/i] It seemed to be the only sound she could hear, along with her ragged breathing. How long had she been running? It felt as if she had been running for miles, but one glance over her shoulder told her otherwise. The castle was still in sight. She was close. Her dress collected dirt and dry leaves as she ran, one foot over the other. It was hard to see through the darkness, but she willed herself to keep moving. The trees swayed, the pale moonlight allowing her to see details of the dark silhouettes. Anastasia didn't know how long she had to continue running, but a small village would let her know when it was time to stop. Her legs gave in. She fell to her knees, grazing her flesh with the sharp branch that lay on the ground. She winced. Even the task of breathing had proven itself to be hard. She allowed herself a moment to catch her breath before picking herself up and running again, this time slow, as the strength of her legs faltered by each passing second. Her vision dimmed. Her lungs burned. She met the ground once more, but this time, she did not have the strength to get back up. Could this have been her fateful demise? No. It couldn't end here—it wouldn't. She had a kingdom to return to. A kingdom to rule. A kingdom to save. She would not allow her journey to end here. [i]Silly.[/i] That was the word. It didn't matter if she had the mental strength and will to keep going, her body could no longer keep up. But a small voice told her it was not the end. She would live and fulfill her purpose. With that in mind, unconsciousness began to take over. A promise to return settled in her mind before it went blank. And there was complete darkness.[/color][/indent] [center][h3][hr][hr][color=ec008c]You must fight to survive:[/color][hr][hr][/h3] [u][b][color=f49ac2][color=ec008c]W[/color][sub] E A P O N:[/sub][/color][/b][/u] [color=f49ac2]A dagger forged with silver and gold. A memento; given to her by the Queen before she escaped the castle. The head of an eagle rests itself on the hilt of the dagger.[/color] [u][b][color=f49ac2][color=ec008c]A[/color][sub] B I L I T I E S:[/sub][/color][/b][/u] [color=f49ac2]-Hidden-[/color][/center][/hider]