Maria still stood rock solid at attention. Unlike the Krieg man, she knew the feeling of a psyker teleporting their way in, and also unlike him, she knew their new visitor bore them no ill will. Despite herself, she snickered at his reaction, though managing to maintain her posture. Though she did not move a muscle, she muttered out of the side of her mouth, “Relax, Mr. Organic Servitor, she doesn’t bite.” She paused for a moment, “Or at least I think she doesn’t. Normally.” Looking at the new arrival out of the corner of her eye, she couldn’t stop her eyebrows raising at the… impressive posture of the other psyker. “Though to be frank, she could probably just fall on you from that height and it’d hurt a lot more.” Maria was not short by any means, but the new woman was straight up [i]tall[/i], perhaps bordering on towering even. She’d seen her before, though not very close, and it was only now that she appreciated how imposing her height could be, especially when coupled with her armor. Granted, it wasn’t as if she was unused to being completely dwarfed by other people - she had spent time around the Astartes after all, and they stood tall over any normal human. It did amuse her that they seemed to share the exact same type of snow white hair - maybe it was a psyker thing? Or at least something psykers were prone to? She would have to go do some reading, if possible. Truth be told there was little in the way of intellectual stimulation when attached to various overzealous Commissars and Imperial Guard commanders. Some of them had impressive libraries, but it wasn’t as if they would let some psyker from the Underhive of Mordia browse through their private collections. She made a mental note to pester the Inquisitor and the other psyker about any interesting books they might be willing to share before returning her attention to the Inquisitor in question, face going blank once more as she returned to standing stiffly at attention.