[quote=@Hitman5455] [@stern algorithm] [color=39b54a]"Calm down vedika, I'm not blaming her." [/color] Jason started defensively. But then he realized that even he thought it sounded like he was blaming her. He had started talking objectively rather than subjectively. [i]Yeah that came out wrong.[/i] [color=39b54a]"At least, I didn't mean to..."[/color] He replied guiltily. [color=39b54a]"Look what I meant to say is it had to do with ash, her mental powers. I can't tell you how to fix this, because I'm not entirely sure what's going on with you.[/color] Jason harshly racked his brain for a solution, he had never seen anything like this. Then a light went off somewhere in Jason's head. [color=39b54a]"Hey I got it! Try meditating like you were earlier. 'Search your feelings luke'."[/color] He laughed. [color=39b54a]"Sorry about that but seriously, maybe then you can see what's wrong and fix it yourself." [/color] He finished [/quote] Vedika accepted Jason's attempts to mitigate blame on Ashleigh. "It's worth a shot," Vedika said slowly getting into a sitting position. Vedika was surprised to notice that Jason was right, something was weird. Her aura felt much smaller, tighter. "It feels like a knot," she said vaguely. She tried to expand her aura like she did during training, only this time, it was to expand it just to the limits of her body rather than outside of it. It was hard, and required more concentration, but doable. She felt a tingling sensation as feeling returned, but a sudden, disgusting, under-the-skin sensation came all over her body, forcing her aura to retract again. Though her face was stoic and her eyes closed, a wince appeared momentarily and she experienced a minor gag reflex. [i]What was that sensation?[/i] she thought to herself, her mind wandered back to Liam and Paulina again. "I could feel for a second, but something forced me back," Vedika said, probably being not at all helpful to Jason's attempts to investigate.