[hider=Galeyr Hellgaze][b]Name:[/b] Galeyr Hellgaze [b]Age:[/b] 39 [b]Description:[/b] [hider][img]http://media.moddb.com/images/groups/1/3/2055/ChaosPirat.png[/img][/hider] [b]Faction:[/b] Chaos [b]Rank and Force Type:[/b] Traitor Guardsmen Mechanized Infantry Colonel [b]Primary Skills:[/b] Intelligent, Deceptive, Survival [b]Planet of Origin:[/b] Dis Command Details: [hider=Hellgaze Mechanized Infantry Regiment] 2,630 personnel total --2,000 Traitor Guardsmen -Lasguns --100 Heavy Weapons Guardsmen -25 Lascannons (4 Guardsmen to a Lascannon) --200 Combat Engineers -150 Plasma Guns -50 Multi-Meltas --330 Vehicle Crewmen -35 Gorgon Armored Assult Vehicles (3 to a Gorgon, 50 passengers) -50 Taurox APC (2 to a Taurox, 10 passengers) -20 Sentinels (1 to a Sentinel) -35 Chimeras (3 to a Chimera, 12 Passangers) [/hider][/hider]