Uhm...hey everyone...I've been kind of stalking this rp but...I can't remember much unfortunately. Anyway, Tex and GG have been poking me to join so here goes. Also this is my first time rp' ing with more people and following a set of rules. If anyone has any tips or advice, I'd be more than happy to hear it. Trying to follow the first one which is: "don't be afraid" [hider=My Hider] [b]Personal details:[/b] First name: Astrid (Trid) Last name: unknown Age: early/mid 20's Sex: female Home Nation: born in Hyznia [b]Appearance:[/b] Astrid is a reasonably small person, standing at 5.2 ft (1.60m) and weighing 120 lbs (55 kg). Her features much like most of her mannerisms reflect femininity, slick dark brunette hair runs over her shoulders and back, down to her mid waist. The most noticeable physical feature she has are her eyes, unlike a human's, her iris covers most of her eye, one can describe this as two irises of different size overlapping one another. The pupil is different as well, instead of it being a sudden orifice in the center of her iris it appears as if the iris is slowly deepening towards the middle of her eye. Light blue in color they occasionally reflect moonlight depending on the intensity of her emotions, be it fear, joy or rage. As far as her clothes and armor go, she can create them herself with the use of arcane but even so she wears a tight black silk body suit with a large opening on the top of her back where her seal is located. She always wears a long cloak and hood when she goes outside to hide her eyes. Her preferred armor is light as she's more comfortable when she can move around a target instead of trying to take a few hits, although she can occasionally armor up, this will consume more arcane energy. The seal appears as an intricate moon design drawn from lines and knots interconnecting and intertwining (a combination between celtic and elvish art), the bottom of the moon has feathers that spread towards her lower back. Whenever there's a full moon the seal glows; as an added bonus the armor she creates can have threads and lines of pulsing light blue light. Whether this seal is to boost her arcane or keep it under the wraps it is unknown. [b]History:[/b] A prisoner for the entirety of her life, she has grown up in a tower surrounded by books and solitude under the watchful eye of her caretaker, Sebastian. Throughout her childhood and teenage years, Sebastian spent most of his time with her in the sealed tower teaching and training her in the arcane arts. Later on, he would visit her regularly, but in the past few years she's been completely alone. Her "father" has constantly taught her that she was kept away in isolation for her own safety, taught that she was different and others would fear or want to harm her just from the first sight.Eventually his visits were becoming gradually more rare until he stopped coming entirely. During their last conversation she felt something peculiar about Sebastian, couldn't put her finger on it but something definitely wasn't right; her father seemed distressed and distracted. His last words can still be heard in her mind as if they were just spoken: "You don't have to fear solitude, you will never be alone, your mother and I will always stand by your side, even if we're not physically there...promise me you'll remember that?" Soon after his disappearance, Astrid kept rewinding their last meeting to search for any clues she could to find out what happened, even the seal surrounding her home felt somewhat different, as if the arcane energy had become denser, heavier. Since then she has focused on studying arcane in order to break the seal which hid her away but her books have little to no knowledge on this topic, the father knew what lecture materials to bring in the tower. Despite her innate talent to manipulate moonlight and shadow, the seal still stands around the area and has shown little sign of weakening but this hasn't stopped Astrid from frantically trying, at times even leading to injuries. She still hopes to break it but unfortunately solitude is starting to break her and her psyche. Once out she has one purpose, to discover what happened to father but not out of spite or revenge. [b]Personality:[/b] Being alone for so long has definitely affected her social skills as well as her psyche. She can only be described as very shy, reserved and when she interacts with others, socially awkward. Her inexperience and lack of social contact seem more bizarre when they're put beside her gentle and feminine gestures. As she was kept away from the world for her own safety, insecurity in her own abilities and powers have grown substantially, at times making her crash even in middle of an arcane spell. Reading so many tales on arch-mages and warriors who single-handedly could decimate armies has done little to her confidence; she feels useless since she couldn't even break the bramble and fog seal keeping her away. Curious by nature she's always looking around to discover something new, especially after making mistakes or failing to complete a task she puts herself against. Her intuition and attention to detail seem to be a result of her loneliness, as one needs to extensively train their senses not to go insane in complete isolation, but even so, she's occasionally plagued by visions, most powerful one being a silhouette with light blue glowing markings and arcane luminescent claws standing over a field of mutilated corpses. This vision terrifies as much as it fascinates her, she fears of becoming destructive but often times strength is directly proportional to the damage one can do, at least that's how it was often described in her books. Empathy, love and gentleness are often overclouded by cruel, brute force, the latter standing against the very nature she was born with. [u]Occupation:[/u] prisoner...pretty much an expert at that [b]Power Matrix:[/b] [u]Primary focus[/u]: arcane, bit of ki [b]Magical Capabilities:[/b] [u]Moonlight manipulation[/u]: Trid's main element and most often used one, she can materialize it into weapons (ones she's familiar with), tendrils, clothes or other objects (temporarily as she needs to focus on maintaining the object, for more lasting objects she uses the gale); during new moons she can't use this element. [u]Aura of tranquility[/u]: her aura extends over a certain distance and calms fauna that come in touch with it but this ability doesn't nullify aggro. In order to perform this Trid must enter and maintain a meditative state. [u]Heal[/u]: Quite a specialist in healing as she has hurt herself many times whilst trying to escape the sealed area, added the amount of free time on her hands. She can heal wounds ranging from cuts to broken bones in both combat and out. The more severe the wound is the more difficult it is to heal, some even needing her to sit and meditate for a while. She can't save a person from the brink of death and can't heal or re-attach dismembered body parts. During full moons her healing ability is doubled whilst during new moons it's weakened to half the normal capacity. Later on she may unlock AOE healing abilities. [u]Water and sprout[/u]: as the moon can influences plants and water, so can Astrid. She can pull water from underneath the ground towards her and make seeds sprout faster, this cannot be done without effort; the more humid and area is, the easier it is to bring water to her, the drier, the more difficult, occasionally even needing time to rest. [u]Shadow manipulation[/u]: not available during full moons; much like moonlight, Astrid can manipulate shadows to create tendrils and some objects, additionally she can create shadows as a form of distraction and later on melt into a cloud of darkness or hide in other people's shadows. [u]Instill fear[/u]: only available during new moons. Astrid can instill fear and panic into one animal or more at a time, as the number gets higher so does the arcane energy she spends. This doesn't work with every beast as some have the training to nullify these negative emotions but those who don't have it can reach such a state of panic they begin to hallucinate. [b]Weapons and equipment: [/b] [u]The gale[/u]: a necklace Astrid always wears around her neck, presumably a gift from her long departed mother. The gem inside is a clear moonstone she can crack and manipulate; when shattered, the dust combined with moonlight can be manipulated and transformed. Astrid's choice of weapon from this is the gale: 7 crystals which float idly: 3 over each shoulder and one above her head. From here on they can be launched at targets with the use of gestures (they move in real time with her arms and hands). The more sudden a movement is, the harder and faster the crystals can strike. Additionally she can infuse them with arcane which explode on contact, manipulate them into throwing needles and later on sword and shield. They can be used to parry or block attacks as well as a form of shielding by creating smaller fragments and making them spin around her. Once she's done fighting, the stone can be re-assembled and returns to it's place on the pendant. [b]Body modification[/b]: none [b]Specialties: [/b] knowledgeable in myths and legends intuitive when it comes to reading or interpreting dreams higher-intermediate skill in playing the damsel in distress (sorry,not sorry) posesses the charisma of a victorian armoire Reference pic: [img]http://orig13.deviantart.net/de99/f/2016/301/9/a/aion0310_by_morning_ghost333-dami9wb.jpg[/img] [/hider]