[@ELGainsborough] The only thing I have an aversion against would be if someone gave their character something like "the power to have all powers!" I trust that most people who have been RPing a decent amount of time understand the rules of powerplay, and don't do it, so I trust you on your own character completely. Ideally, your character wants to start in one of the villages or towns marked on the map of Logaris I have posted. The villages don't have names, so just identify them by relative location to landmarks and the towns/cities. We will all do an initial post setting the scene and introducing our characters in their respective locations, in which they will be selected by the Royal Legion to be one of the 'Volunteers' (as they call them) or 'Taken' (as everyone else calls them). There will maybe be a brief bit of a post where we'll all be in the backs of wagons, being transported, then we'll start off properly in a prison cell in the capital, where each of us is brought in one by one.