As Strike Cruiser Emperor’s Hand broke through the warp barrier, the entirety of the ship felt the energy of the storm ravage through the ship, searching for a weakness in its faith. The wax wards and scribbled parchment of prays that lined the narrow corridors pulsed an array of blue and white light – repelling the dark taint that tried to corrupt. Within the chapel, priests dawned in crimson silks and fabrics marched down the procession, waving incense burners as their smoke would completely soak the room. Their chants of prays echoed throughout the chapel’s colourful walls. Kneeled at the alter were five Knights of Titan. They murmured their own prays in silence as the ship’s Chaplin gave upon them his final blessings, flicking the divine water onto their ancient armour. As he did so, he turned to Mal’vex, who, with the assistant of two squires anointed her with her gold and silver armour which had been passed down through her family for generations. Her scythe was sheathed and her armour locked down. Giving a small respectful bow to the Chaplin she then turned her attention to the knights, whom were still kneeled before her. “Rise, Knights of Titan. For now, your service to the Imperium is needed once more.” She bellowed with pure authority. Without a second’s hesitation, the Justicar stood, quickly followed by the rest of his men. Their glowing blue eyes fixed upon her. “We are yours to command, Inquisitor. We only need to know where to strike, and we will strike with the wrath of the Emperor himself!” The Justicar spoke, his voice on par with Mal’vex’s. This pleased her greatly. She has often worked with those who do not have the same level of spirit as her when it comes to combatting the forces of Chaos. Now… now she knew that requesting the assistance of the Grey Knights was the right choice. “Very good, Justicar. There is much evil to be vanquished here, you and your men will need such enthusiasm when it comes to our ground operation. But I warn you, this mission is much more than a purgation.” Mal’vex said as she began to pace. “As you know, we are here for another reason. Your prognosticators foresaw that this region would come under attack from Chaos forces and that there would be a person of interest to your order. After years of searching the archives and datalogs we believe that we have located such a person.” Mal’vex explained as she drew out a small holo-display from her belt. As she pressed the button engraved on its side, a green projection of a young male, roughly in his twelfth year of existence. “Tidus Malcore. A less than average child that worked as a deck hand at a fabrication unit. However recent screening as suggested he may hold great psyker prowess. It is only due to your masters pulling strings that a Black Ship hadn’t picked him up yet.”