[h3]One Month Ago....[/h3] [center][h3]Dis, Hive Ollianus, Level 3501, Plaza of his divine light, Residence of House Vlarr [/h3][/center] Hammon Blarr was a man of little patients, and with a bad Temper. Letting out a sigh as he raised his bolt pistol, he looked into the old mans wrinkled face. Bruises and other marks of a heavy beating showed that he had put up quite a fight. "Its nothing personal, yet we cant allow any lose ends! We will keep your service in good memory, old man!" While he cared little about the lives of his informants, he knew appreciate their value. An information was worth more then gold in this times, a lose tongue in close range to a noble was a true goldmine. He was the dancing teacher, a true master of his art, and an open ear to the endless flow of words that the young daughters of lower spire nobles would exchange while waiting for their turn. The moment the young daughter of house Vlarr had told her friends of her betrothal to the young scion of the house of Marek, she had signed the death sentence for her whole family. For Marek was loyal to Lord Varod, while Vlarr had been seen as a supporter of Ravenstein. Of cause, the Vlarr´s were just a single pawn in the great game, yet even the smallest change in the balance of the status Quo could have major backlashes. An example had to be made, and fear had to be spread. And there was no better tool for this, then the iron fist of Ravensteins rule, the Blackcoats! The whole family had been assembled for the celebrations of his patriarchate, including the daughter who´s loose lips had doomed them all. The little company of hired guards could do little to stop the blackcoats when doors were kicked in, and Guncutters were closing in. Nobody was left alive, and the whole house was wiped out. A clear message had been send, for all who dared to stand against the rule of Ravenstein. Placing the bolt pistol on the old mans forehead, Hammon Blarr looked away, like he always did when he shot a man like that. His eyes moved over the pleasure garden, futher over to the titanic towers of the spire. Up here one could even see the sky, a privilege only a few enjoyed Hive Ollianus. "For Lord Ravenstein and the Duke! MA..." His eyes grew in shock, as he took a step away from the man. Shock moved on his face, as the men behind him began to gasp, or even scream. The enemy was here...the one true enemy! [center]***[/center] [center][h3]Dis, duchy of Neo-Thuringia, Pleasure-estate of his Highness[/h3][/center] Eugen Julus Ernst von Dagmar-Regen, Duke of Neo-Thuringia was a man of extravagant taste. Yet even for the decadent Nobility of Dis, he showed up new heights of creativity to push the limit of the possible. Growing a lush hunting and pleasure Garden in the middle of the toxic wasteland of Dis was surely something few had ever dreamed of. Of cause, it took some favors from the Mechanicus, and a massive, artificial arcologie, to protect the plants and the prey from the toxic storms, yet he was confident that soon he could dine in the middle of a lush forest, on some fresh, healthy game. Until then, he would have to pass his time with other means. Scratching the ruins of his nose, the lord took another sip from the imported wine, as he glared into the fire of his chimney. All windows had been replaced to show holo-pictures of the lush forests that soon would grow outside, instead of the wasteland outside, and the construction site of the arcologie. Just as he was about to stand up, the door was slammed open. In shock the lord almost fell over, before staring into the face of a small pale servant, who´s face was in a state of pure terror. "S.s...sir..y.y." Eugen quickly closed in, before grabbing him by his neck. "How dare you, you pathetic worm to interrupted me like that! Oh, i will make sure that they flogg you till you..." The pale man opened his mouth, yet only brought out two words. "Hammon... Blarr!" It didnt took him long to get to his personal office. An Impressive globe of Dis also served as a Holo table. Nodding to his personal secretaries, the Duke move to his chair, behind his desk. Still the glass of wine in one hand, he rolled with his eyes. "Get him trough! This better be as important as he claims it be!" A few data-prayers were muttered in the background, as the channel of the Blackcoat-Captain was connected. Hammon Blarr face was covered with dirt and blood, and as the broad shouldered man appeared as a hologram in the middle of the room, the Duke was shocked to see him in such an condition. "Captain, how dare you to come under my eyes in such a state! What possibly could excuse this lacking standard in clothing!" It was then when he noticed the noise of gunfire in the background, and the flashing lights of distant explosions. Blarr´s breath was heavy, as he glared into the light of the servo-skull who was recording this. "Sir! I am sorry for my lacking standards of an officers uniform! But we are under heavy fire! The enemy is outnumbering us greatly and we dont know how long we can hold out!" The Duke raised an eyebrow, as he took another sip. "So, Lord Varod has finally shown his true colors and rebelled? Good we sha..." Blarr took a step closer to the Skull. "Sir! This is a full scale invasion! The PDF is fighting traitor-astartes!" Swallowing to much of the wine, the duke had to cough, before looking up. "This is impossible! There are no traitors..." Now the Captain just grabbed the skull and pointed it the sky, showing the ships, the falling pods and the fire coming from it. "Sir! By all due respect, might i advise you to take a look out of the window?" Losing all color from his face, the Duke waved to one of his servants to turn out the holo-projectors in the windows. A scream left his lips, and the glass in his hands busted, with sharp splinters cutting deep into his hand. His eyes moved back to the holo, where Hammon, had turned to the side, to fire his pistol at an advancing enemy, before shutting down the connection. "G..get me an ASTROPATH..NOW!" [center]***[/center] [quote][center][h3]ASTROPATHIC COMMUNIQUE[/h3] - CLASSIFICATION LEVEL: CRIMSON - YOUR EYES ONLY[/center] Lord Governor, Dis is under attack! My men are pressed to hold their ground, yet cant withstand the amount of enemy troops! Loyal forces of the PDF have been found and can be attached to Blackcoat command at your order! Preparing evacuation! Need Reinforcements and awaiting futher orders! Your Loyal Servant, Eugen Julus Ernst von Dagmar-Regen, Duke of Neo-Thuringia [/quote]