Name: Altwen Forensen Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: Blonde, curly hair tied back, weathered face despite age, grey eyes, always looks ready to run Height: 5'8" Weight: 122lbs Family: Foren Quen (real name: Varkun Telasair) - Deceased, father, secretly from Dwalin, travelled across Diairon Mountains as self-inflicted punishment, reason unknown Talissaia Quen - Alive, mother, met Foren after he completed his pilgrimage in Oakport Altia Telasair - Deceased, stepmother, Foren's wife before he left Dwalin, Altwen named in her memory, was alive when Foren left Ylisia Telasair - Alive, half-sister, Foren's daughter before he left, hates him and wants revenge, when discovers he is already dead will try to kill Altwen instead unless he can convince her of Foren's reasons for leaving Abilities: Minor telekinesis, may grow stronger as character develops Proficiencies: Unarmed combat, climbing, resisting temptation (if that can be called a "proficiency") Personality: Slow to make friends and quick to make enemies. Will hold on to a grudge for a long time rather than acting immediately, but will always collect. Always. Has a strong hatred for Cacus and Logaris, but is smart enough to (at least try to) keep this a secret. Cautious, and hopes to track down his half-sister some day (knows her name but almost nothing else about her, not even what she looks like). Will do a lot to find her, thinks he has been too solitary his entire life but is in too dangerous a position to properly fit in with society in Logaris. Also has a strong sense of honour and fairness. Background: Was born in Oakport to Foren Quen, a secretive monk claiming to be from the Tressi Desert, and Talissaia Quen, who was local to Oakport. Lived and grew up in a small stone monastery constructed by his father in the ruins of an ancient shrine to Cacus, near Oakport, almost never seeing his mother, who helped a lot in supporting them when he was too young to work. He spent much of his life following his father's ways of fasting and depriving oneself, and while he gained a strong sense of honour he could never be as disciplined as his father. Spent some of his time working to support the three of them as he got older. Was also taught to fight by his father, using methods that rely on resourcefulness and mobility more than armour or weapons, but never found out anything about his father's past in the Tressi Desert or his travels to Oakport (as earlier mentioned, his father was actually from Dwalin). In frustration he once broke into his father's study, reading the diaries Foren treasured so greatly from before he arrived in Oakport, and discovered his father's true origins and family. Foren punished this crime, but understood he had caused this by hiding his past. Only a few weeks later, when Altwen was 14, the royal guard assaulted the monastery finally discovering what had happened to the old shrine. Foren told Altwen to flee, who protested but finally did so. Foren was killed, while Altwen became a criminal. He spent the next few years on the run, never staing anywhere for long, until he is finally caught, and is taken with nine others to Cacus' palace....