[hider=EDEN Passport - Erica] [img]http://pre12.deviantart.net/93f0/th/pre/i/2015/160/f/b/ekaterina_by_livingloudphoto-d8wljuw.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b][color=gray] Erica Stewart [/color] [b]Age:[/b] [color=gray] 28 [/color] [b]Sex:[/b][color=gray] Female [/color] [b]Nationality:[/b] [color=gray] United States (of Irish/German descent) [/color] [b]Occupation:[/b] [color=gray] Doctor / Former United States Air Force [/color] [b]ID no.:[/b] [color=gray]ES0186426[/color] [b]Bio:[/b] [color=gray] Erica was born in Seattle, Washington to a pair of physicists. Growing up in a world of academic prowess and science, she took a particular interest in space travel at a very early age. During high school, she competed in robotics competitions, and entered college with interest in engineering. However, while working to tweak the mechanics of biomedical equipment that a local hospital was planning to improve in its laboratories, she discovered a whole new area of science: medicine. From that point forward, she pursued a career as a doctor, specializing in biomedical advancement (such as creating artificial organs, internal prosthetics, brain-mapping, etc.) During her residency, she made the decision to enlist in the Air Force, deciding it was the best way to continue practicing medicine while still being surrounded by engineering and staying close to aircraft advancements. It was through this that she was approached by NASA and the SpaceEX program, who were searching for individuals of various professions to begin the process of colonizing the moon. Having no family and no other commitments, she accepted. Erica was within the first group to be sent out, and while her main objective is to monitor the health of everyone else and run tests, she has also taken it as an opportunity to conduct her own personal studies, keeping a detailed record of the way the new environment interacts with human biology, as well as psychology. [/color] [b]Personality:[/b] [color=gray] Erica was raised in a very strict household, and has no time for bullshit. She has a very strictly-business attitude to everyone she interacts with, and can at times come off as too serious, uptight, or even condescending. While she values human interaction from a psychological standpoint, she doesn't like to make small talk, and makes no time for it. Growing up very focused on her studies and academics, she isn't very well versed in the way of socializing, and although she has a strong personality, tends to keep to herself not only due to her analysis of others, but due to insecurity. She is also very much a stickler for the rules, and fails to see why people get upset when she calls them out for doing something they aren't supposed to. The way she sees it, they were all sent here for one purpose: Discovery. Their duty is simply to check things out and report back the results, for the future of mankind, rather than for themselves. [/color] [b]Other:[/b] [color=gray] Nothing I can think of for the time being. [/color][/hider]