All Done! :D [hider=Lacetris, God of Darkness] [b]Name:[/b] Lacetris [b]Gender:[/b] Depends, though majority of the time neutral so ‘they/them’ [hider=Appearance][img][/img][/hider] Around 12 foot tall [b]Personality:[/b] An odd mix of talkative, yet quiet at the same time. Lacetris is also somewhat scatter brained with an almost constant look of someone who isn’t entirely there or has misplaced something important. Despite their shortcomings Lacetris accepts any favours asked of them though does take failure very badly sometimes to the point of ignoring such a thing ever happened in the first place. [b]Major Domain:[/b] Darkness [b]Minor Domains:[/b] Dreams and Stars [hider=Avatar][img][/img][/hider] A very strange creature that has the effect of making those nearby question if they're actually awake or not [b]Stance:[/b] Lacetris is somewhat concerned to the current state of things and hopes to take up the throne themselves but is currently unsure as to how to go about doing it. [b]Relations: [/b] - Is sympathetic to Ilyona current state and does what they can to help make things easier [b]Powers: [/b] - Lacetris can send people to sleep with a simple touch. While on mortals the effect seems almost immediate for Gods and those of extreme power they instead just become very sleepy. - Additionally, Lacetris can appear from wherever there are shadows, presuming there are no wards around the area to prevent them, though they will need a moment to gather their bearings and while the size of the shadow doesn’t matter too much it must be clearly defined and the space they’re entering large enough to accommodate their size. [b]Godly Equipment: [/b] - Fishing Rod: a simple fishing rod that Lacetris uses to grab hold of people’s dreams and thoughts, leaving many people wondering why they had entered a specific room or unable to remember a very good dream. - Paint Brush: Using captured dreams and thoughts Lacetris can colour the night sky in beautiful hues of every colour and dapple it with stars. [b]Demi Gods:[/b] Aldorean: One of the very few Enchalin whose academic studies are taken seriously by others. After spending the majority of her many years studying the heavens there are very few Mortals who can name as many of the stars and constellations off the top of their head as she can. [b]Name of your Land:[/b] Donovign [b]Lands: [/b] Most of Donovign is a desert of shifting black sand that clings to the back of one’s throat unpleasantly. Of what little plant life there is to speak of is bleached almost pure white by the suns painful gaze, so hot that any rivers and estuaries feeding into the landlocked kingdom have completely evaporated, resulting in ‘Trees of the Dead’ and cacti every few miles. Most the local wild life are insects though several larger animals can be seen migrating during the cooler months in search of oasis. Aside from the deadly heat, venomous wildlife and lack of water one must also be able to deal with the sandstorms that rage the desert that can appear and disappear with barely a minutes warning. While the Gods may be able to withstand deafening roar or razor sharp sand grinding their skin to oblivion those of the Mortal variety are encourage to wear as much protection as they can and await the storm to pass. However, this is not to say that Donovign is dead. During the night leaves and flowers bloom everywhere to drink in the moonlight. An incredibly rare flower only blooms during a meteor shower and is said to cure any disease or even halt death itself. Known as the Nova Star it's petal shine with the light of a thousand stars. [b]People: [/b] [b]Enchalrin:[/b] human-like beings with leathery skin and wider jaws to accommodate two rows of teeth, both top and bottom. Their hair is probably the most startling of all given that it can come in almost all shades of colour, and extends from the forehead down to just above the shoulder blades with tufts on their elbows. Nails more closely resembling claws and arms long enough to comfortably walk on all fours, the other races tend to look down on them. Those who ventures into the other kingdoms for a different life are often set to manual labour in mines or forges where their resistance to extreme heat and great strength are most useful. Occasionally one or two do make it to more academic lines of work but it’s difficult to be taken seriously. [b]Culture: [/b] A strange variation on desert nomads the Enchalrin can read the ‘Desert Tides’ to find underground wells and newly formed oasis. Around such places towns and villages will spring up in a matter of days, the brick making skills of Enchalrin being almost completely unrivalled. Sometimes the wells can last years, or even occasionally decades, but either way when the wells are dried up all the inhabitants pack up what they can carry on their backs and simply move on to the next place. Wrapped in rags and fabrics groups, or more accurately packs mostly made up of extended family, of Enchalrin can make for ghostly processions across the dessert at night as they search for a new home. In each pack, there is at least one ‘Star Walker’ who extensively studies the stars. They are looked to for many important decisions that need to be made such as times of planting food and when the best time to harvest the crops would be. Although, it should be noted that most food comprises of insects, herbs of the night and any meat they can buy from travelling merchants. Among the Enchalrin there is one sacred rule; do not eat the Nova Flower, for only the Gods may dine upon it and survive the fire of the heavens that course through its petals. Punishment for attempting to do so is to be branded a Heretic and banished. No other pack will take in a Heretic so those who do not make it to another kingdom die. Technology: Viking levels at best. [b]Capital: [/b] Astrom – The City of Dreams The oldest and one of the few stationary settlements in Donovign it sits near to the southern edge like a sleeping giant. There’s no planning to any of the buildings or streets between so that only those who have lived there for all their life can navigate it with relative ease. The Capital doesn’t exactly grow but instead simply spreads out further as packs congregate together, build their homes and then later move on. Being near the edge of Donovign the capital experiences rainy seasons and while it’s great that the inhabitants have a semi reliable source of water, sometimes it does cause several buildings to collapse and flooding to occur in several places. Without any proper sewage system, it’s a common occurrence for disease to run rampant during such times. Most citizens stay to the outer circles of Astrom reusing homes left behind by those who have left, or simply constructing their own and furthering Astroms growth. This has led to many areas closer to the centre of the capital to become ghost towns the fringes of which Children tend to play. Only the very brave or the very foolish dare to explore further. The closer to the centre you get the more dilapidated the buildings become, their corpses strewn across roads making travel difficult. Oddly enough those who have returned from Central Astrom swear that it gets darker, colder and there’s an unshakable sense of someone or something watching you. At the very centre of Astrom there is a small hut though it is much larger within and filled with many different barrels, caskets and boxes filled with all the dreams and thoughts Lacetris has gathered of the centuries he has yet to find a use for. Everyone knows that Lacetris isn’t the best at remembering things and there are stories of the nightmares they forgot. [b]Beings:[/b] - Trilo-mare: Horrifying beasts that prowl Astroms central circles where it’s coldest. Like oversized rats they swarm their prey in waves of red eyes and rotten teeth. - Bitros: The result of breeding a goat with a camel, something the discoverer of the species swears was simply a scientific experiment, they look like undersized camels with stocky legs, horns and produce so much wool that if left for more than a few months they could easily be crushed by the weight of it. The wool isn’t very good quality but then again neither is the meat or milk. [/hider] Just gimme a shout if I need to change anything :)