I know that I started writing one, but I think I'll rewrite it. WIP. [b]Name: Jacob Lander Alias: Microstrike Age: 19. Race: Human Gender: Male Arc name: The Hunt. Power or ability: -Shrinking. He can reduce his size down to a millimeter at most. -Enhanced Agility. He is faster and more agile than the average person, particularly when shrunk. -Survivability. When he has his costume on, it functions as a supply of oxygen and environmental protection. for him to survive in areas as intense as the vacuum of space. Personality: He's outgoing and likes to be around people. Because of this, however, he talks fast and a lot. He can embarrass himself easily, but he likes to comfort people whenever he can. Bio: He was born to a fairly average family, as an only child. He lived normally until he was 14. By then, he was taken by strange employees to a building. There, he was subjected to experiments. Many of them involving technology and strange shots. What that did was give him the ability to shrink. His powers were unstable. When shrunk, he had trouble growing back to normal size, or sometimes he couldn't shift sizes at all. Using his newfound power, he escaped quickly. He found out that his parents had an unknown cause of death recently. Due to that, he lived alone for a while using his powers, really only thinking of himself. He stole and such. Ray Palmer, connecting the dots of crimes, concluded that there must be another size-shifting metahuman. Finding him, a suit was made to help him stabilize his powers and he was recruited almost directly into New Young Justice. Appearance: Casual: [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/4/43/Peter_Parker_(Earth-616)_from_Superior_Spider-Man_Vol_1_9_0001.png/revision/latest?cb=20140119041515[/img] Hero: [img]http://images.vectorhq.com/images/previews/89d/timeshift-2-psd-438365.png[/img] (Ignore the gun, he doesn't carry weapons.) [/b]