Kriv had arrived first. His hooded cloak, a simple grey one, hid his features under its wide covering as he had moved into the city and sought the tavern Jenphira told him about. He regrettably requested directions from a few individuals, most gruff and grumbled about his nativity before they moved on hastily. Racism was never present within the temple, all the monks had treated him as an equal. Within traveling with the troupe, their whereabouts likely locked within a dungeon within Kethorn, did he realized the real world wasn’t like the temple he was raised in. People found Dragonborn frightening and his appearance put them at unease, namely due to the fact he resembled his dragonkin so well in humanoid form. Thankfully, a human woman took pity upon him then directed him to the Horse’s meadhall. He thanked her before strolling in, his body pressed about and shoved during the noon hour. Among all the tables, the one in the back remained untouched and in his thoughtlessness, he sat down into it. Circumstances didn’t seem to care if he was taught better. As he waited for Jen, he stared into the opposite booth.. His eyes glazed in thought and tension spread through his scaled hid, obviously a nervous wreck on the inside. Each time he heard a clatter of chairs, his figure jerked in alarm and nearly rose out of his seat to flee. Upon acknowledging his idiocy, he gradually slide back down with a forced mental order to relax echoing in his head. His knuckles were white from his grip about his untouched mug, the liquid stirred slightly from the rumbling in the tavern. When Jen slid into his peripheral vision, Kriv flinched. His horned skull wiper about and pure panic flooded his features, his right eye slightly purplish from a skirmish on the road. Naturally, he ran from it being inexperienced in combat and no shape to truthfully fight. His heart beated within his chest hard as he gradually loosened the worry in his figure, relaxing slowly back into his seat when he realised it was Jen. A smirk crossed his snout. “Jen-” Kriv started to say then stopped himself, barely, from blurting out her full name. His expression became apologetic as his hand clasped over his muzzle, ceasing anymore sound. Lowering it down, he began to speak in a quiet tone. “Since noon and I don’t think so… From what I was shown, no one seems to the least bit interested in me. I tried to get another table, but this was the only one left and I was more worried if you would be able to make or I would have request a room.”