Marta sat on the stone floor, willing her body to stop shaking. She didn't want to believe Atalia’s words, she shouldn't. The war was happening regardless of Marta's choices. Yet somehow, the personal situation, the group of people she was surrounded by, she truly began to wonder if everything happening was her fault. What would have happened if she hadn't stepped foot into that bakery almost a year ago? Would Atalia and Ezra be married? Would Ezra's mother be dead? Would Isiah be on this mission? It was a terrible game, the “what if” game, but Marta couldn't stop all of these thoughts. She loves Ezra so much, and she knew he loved her in return, and they couldn't change the past, so Marta would just have to learn to live with the fact that her presence was sometimes not for the best. She heard commotion in the hallway, glancing up she saw some of the men come from the other direction. From the few words she caught, it sounded as though the cars have returned from the mission. Marta did her best to control her emotions. Now was not the time to be selfish, she was the least important person in this camp. She saw Ezra come out of the room, Marta standing when he helped her up. She listened to his words and just nodded her head. Marta didn't want to start an argument; she didn't believe it though, she knew deep down Atalia meant all of her words. As they walked outside, the night sky being illuminated by the full moon. Marta kept her place by Ezra, no matter what her place was by his side. She saw Abe approach them and Marta couldn't help but feel her heart swell. Though their time together had been brief, Marta respected Abe and truly cares for him. After being tossed aside by her own father, Marta didn't know if she would ever feel that affection a child gets from their parents, but when Abe pulled her into his arms, Marta felt that familiar warmth again. When Ezra said that she was engaged to him and she had converted, Abe took a step back and looked at Marta. Then without a word, he leaned over, placing his hands on her shoulder and kissing her on the forehead. Marta couldn’t help the surge of emotion that washed over her, resulting in a few tears falling from her eyes. Abe was a man a few words, so she knew this was his way of showing him he was happy and excited for them. Hearing Atalia's panicked voice, Marta stepped back, knowing her presence and words were not wanted. And then the new that Isiah wasn't with the group, Marta looked down at her shoes, stumbling when Atalia shoved by them. ------------ Marta and Abe were sitting in their bedroom, around the table. Ezra had gone to check on Atalia, like he had every twenty minutes, but it was futile, Atalia refused to open her door. Abe was sipping a cup of tea, having taken a shower and getting a new set of clothes. Marta couldn't help but take in the elder man's state. He has lost quite a bit of weight, and his grey hair now thinning and bags under his eyes. He glanced up catching her eyes and Marta smiled. “Marta… I need to apologize.” Abe began, “I am truly sorry for ever doubting your sincerity in converting. I see the way my son looks at you, how he always has. You truly are the best thing to ever happen to him.” Marta flushed, glancing down at her lap. “There is nothing to forgive. He is your son, and his well being is what matters to you, and I understand how nerve-racking my presence has been. I love your son truly and deeply, though I am not sure if I am the best thing that has happened to him sir.” “Hush now child. Don't say those kind of things.” “I am sorry sir. I just...I look at all the things that have happened to your son and I can't help but worry they all happened because of me.” “Marta dear, bad things were and are going to happen to Ezra, to all of us. This war is a dreadful thing. But you are the light, the hope that my son needs to continue to survive and live for. Your love is his salvation.” Marta felt tears swelling her eyes. She believed Abe's words, Ezra saying similar words to her before. She may not understand why, but she would forever be grateful for the Ezra's love. --------- There was a commotion outside. Marta had been half asleep in bed, Ezra being too tense and worried to sleep, and Marta never slept well without Ezra next to her. Marta sat up, reaching for dressing gown as she got out of bed. Without a word, she followed Ezra outside into the courtyard. She watched as men pulled a bloodied Isiah from the car. By this point, Atalia was running out and over to Isiah, but the men held her back. Even from here, Marta could see how badly injured Isiah was. Ezra was standing there in shock and Atalia cane over clutching him. “Ezra please, tell them to let me near him!” Tears falling from her eyes. Marta watched as Isiah was lifted in a stretcher and carried to the hospital ward. By this point, most of the camp had risen, the sun beginning to rise. As she stood there, one of the men came over to her. “Marta, they've requested you in the hospital.” For the past few weeks, Marta has been volunteering in the hospital wing. She briefly mentioned it to Ezra, but neglected to tell him, she had quickly picked up on things and was being asked by the Doctors for help more and more. Nothing intense, but Marta had a way to keep the patient's calm, since the doctors didn't have access to anesthesia, so many surgeries were done only using morphine. Looking over and Ezra and Atalia, she turned back and nodded her head. “Tell them I'll be there shortly. I must change.” She walked over to Ezra and Atalia. “I won't go if you two don't want me to.” Atalia looked at her, her eyes hard and her gaze unfaltering. But she nodded her head, “You watch over him Marta. Bring me back my future husband.” Marta smiled gently, before looking at her fiance.