[h1][color=aba000][center]Earl Alois Trancy[/center][/color][/h1] [center][url=http://postimg.org/image/izhxxeeah/][img]http://s12.postimg.org/683rqw4il/Alois.jpg[/img][/url][url=http://postimage.org/]free upload[/url][/center] [center][color=aba000]"You know Claude, I think you're [i]my[/i] highness..."[/color][/center] [color=aba000]Gender: Male[/color] [color=aba000]Age: Recently turned 14[/color] [color=aba000]Series: Black Butler II [/color] [color=aba000]Species: Human, presumably...[/color] [color=aba000]Role/Occupation: Earl of the Trancy family and local nuisance[/color] [color=aba000]Skills: He learned to be a skilled thief, but is a bit out of practice after having lived in luxury for a while. He also dances. A lot. [/color] [color=aba000]Home: He's back in his old home: The streets. [/color] [color=aba000]Personality:Alois is a strange boy with a sadistic and manipulative streak, though he often puts on a charming act. He seems to have no concept of social skills, often seeming to completely lack the etiquette suited to his status. He's extremely clingy to his butler Claude, practically idolizing the uncaring demon, but mistreats his other servants terribly. Deep down, he seems lonely and starved for affection. He constantly vies for Claude's attention, though the demon seems more interested in the more mature, enigmatic Ciel. This annoys and angers Alois immensely. Now that he's been moved to the village and left without his beloved butler, he's been on edge and agitated He often just ends up crying on his own, deeply lonely and attention-hungry. He's a misery, really. He just can't do without Claude, although the only reason he is safe is that Claude is gone.[/color] [color=aba000]Backstory: Nobody really knows who his real family is. His earliest memories are of him and his younger brother Luka prowling the streets as orphans in a Victorian-era English village. At this time, he went by the name of Jim Macken and was quite a different boy. After disaster hit and his village burned to a crisp, Jim was sold as a sex slave to the Earl Trancy. Jim quickly became the earl's favorite, and when the earl died under "mysterious circumstances", Jim took his place, posing as his long missing son Alois. Strangely, Alois had a new demon butler in tow around the time of Trancy's death... As Earl, Alois lived in luxury with his butler Claude and a few other demon servants. However, his time as the previous Earl's sexual partner seemed to have taken a toll on his sanity, and he had become an attention craving, sadistic brat. However, he still maintained some level of charm, and a high level of affection for his butler. As he was nearing a year of being Earl, he was snatched away from his perfect life and placed here.[/color] [color=aba000]Life in the Town: WIP [/color] [color=aba000]Prized Possession: A ring, which was a gift from the previous Earl Trancy. [/color] [url=http://postimg.org/image/5rqikwbl1/][img]http://s10.postimg.org/5rqikwbl1/ring.jpg[/img][/url]