She leaned forward a little, swiping a flat hand through the air in a small gesture to cut him off. "It's fine. It's a good spot. Rather be here than anywhere else. Can duck out the back, hit the stairs, and can see the front door easily. You can watch my back from where you are," she said. Taking a look at his face more closely she noted the mottled purple, copper, and bits of green around the edges of his slightly marred face. "What about the other guy," she asked, gesturing toward the shiner. She knew he could handle himself, and was capable of a lot more than he thought he was. When he realized what he could actually do... well it would be an epiphany for him. A few moments later one of the barmaids, this one a stout male dwarf with a ruddy red beard plaited into three braids, which were braided with each other into an interesting and artful arrangement approached. He held a tray overhead, so as not to get it bumped by a bumbling patron then lowered it as he got to them. "Here we are," he said, his voice warm with a slight burr to it. "You had the stew, lass?" The half elf simply nodded with a pleasant smile. "Good on ye. Can't stand a woman who eats like a bird," the server gruffed good naturedly. He slid over a large bowl of a hearty stew that steamed and was filled with roasted meat and vegetables. Along with it came a small basket of rolls, and a good sized mug of amber ale. "Enjoy. Can I get ye anythin' else," he asked them both. Jen shook her head. "No, but thank you," she replied, then passed him a gold coin. It was worth far more than the simple meal, even if it were high quality. But... gold was the real language of the dwarves. It would ensure further excellent service. At the gold coin, he lit up brightly. "Ohh, thank ye kindly."