[center][h1][color=a187be]Violet Braddock [/color][/h1][/center] [center][img]https://s20.postimg.org/pr78078dp/1cffaad95f200f068b2542c906426b74.jpg[/img][/center] Violet went inside after putting her horse in the pasture and locking him into the fenced area. She went inside to take a look at the room situation and she realized that she and Ethan had been sharing a bed for a little over a month but they hadn't even kissed. They cuddled in their sleep and she felt his hands on her as she slept but he never seemed to remember anything. She wondered if he would still want to share a room or not. What did he think of her? They were definitely friends but did he have any feelings for her? She saw Ingrid and Grace playing and she decided to take a break and play with them for a few minutes. She was exhausted. Up and moving all in one day was rough. She knew she would have to go back tomorrow and get things that they forgot. Her personal things, pictures of her family and other such miscellaneous stuff. She and Ingrid had found a friendship after the gun incident. She also knew that it was a tenuous friendship and it lived and died on Ingrid's mood. She sat across from Ingrid and Grace turned around and walked over to her. It was wobbly but she didn't hold onto anything. Ingrid lit up like a Christmas tree all in smiles. Violet laughed as the baby grabbed her and fell into her lap and giggled. Violet smiled at Grace and at Ingrid. [color=a187be]"Do you think about the future Ingrid? I mean like as in getting married and having babies?"[/color] Ingrid smiled and said, [color=8dc73f]"It's obviously on your mind." [/color]Violet blushed. She saw the 6 beds being unloaded into the hallway. She went over and claimed her bed so it wouldn't get tossed into whatever room, she wanted her bed. [color=a187be]"I guess I have to pick a room now." [/color]Violet wanted a room on the first floor and she wanted it to be close to the showers. After picking the room second from the far end of the hall she pushed the box spring down and put it in front of the room and then one of the guys helped her push her bed down there too. Then she went into the room and moved all of the desks to one side of the room and she pushed the box spring in and set it up facing the door and the guard who had helped her seemed to have disappeared. She got the bed into the room and then it kinda fell on top of her sending her to the floor and it landing on her leg. She laid back on the ground for a minute in defeat and breathed hard. Several minutes later she got to her feet and began pushing the bed onto the box spring. Violet was so out of breath she laid on the bed when she finished getting it done. After about 15 minutes she got up and went hunting the blankets and sheets that she had had on her bed. When she stepped out of her room she saw Matt setting up the room on the corner for a medical room and Nikki and Kyle took the room 2 doors down from it giving him and Sasha the room in the middle. Violet went back to the cars and she opened the trunk she and Ingrid had filled and she began taking things in. She took the dishes and kitchen stuff into the cafeteria and set it on the only table that was pulled down. She walked past Ethan as he was unloading things and she stopped and said, [color=a187be]"Umm, I don't know what you wanted to do. If you want to continue our sleeping arrangements or not but I set the bed up in room 26 on the first floor."[/color] Violet pulled the blankets and sheets out and headed inside hoping that the subject was enough to get him to follow her. [@josephb]