James sat there as his best friend wrapped his arm around his back, and began playing with his hair. A light flush came to his face when this happened, it wasn't expected, but it was nice. He knew Nathan cared about his well being and would always be there, but he didn't know how he would react if he told Nathan about Jessica. He almost let it all come flooding out in a brief moment of frustration before Nathan continued on, saying he was planning on breaking up with Rachel. Both he and Vanessa had seen the signs that things were well in the rough for the relationship, but it was still surprising that it came so quickly. [color=FF3030]"Wow, I mean I could see things were a bit forced, but I didn't know things were that bad. Or are there other reasons? But if it's what you think is best, don't let me try to talk you out of it, I'm not exactly someone who is in a position to give out relationship advice."[/color] he offered, trying to be supportive. [color=FF3030] "Looks like I'm going to owe Vanessa a twenty. She had bet you guys wouldn't make it to a month, and I said that you guys would. Oh well." [/color] he snorted. [color=FF3030]"Anyway, it's just that with all the shit that's been going on lately, I've been trying to deal with all the stress. And at times I'm not sure how I'm even getting by. I've been dealing with all this stress for most of my life and it feels like everything is catching up to me again. I'm just so tired." [/color] he groaned, leaning into the hand messing with his hair slightly.