Kriv looked confused for a moment at what she referred to, then it dawned on him. Gingerly, his finger raised to trace the area around his eye. A slight pain edged into his attention and caused him to hiss in reaction, his head drawn away from his claw. Gently he set it back down with an answer, his muzzle’s smirk turned into a sheepish one. “Yeah, better than myself I’m afraid. I encountered some bandits on the road and… well, I didn’t do too well and took off. Thankfully, they didn’t manage to follow me.” He was a bit embarrassed by the situation to be honest. His horned head turned to the barmaid coming their way and folded his arms upon the table, watching the man place the tray down. Kriv chuckled a bit at the comment about Jen eating like a bird. As long as he knew her, Jen had never eaten more than half her weight in anything. Then again, the troupe always had a massive stew pot with meat, vegetables, and spices mixed in to give it a rich, hearty flavor he found tasty. Through his appetite had gradually returned when Jen arrived, he knew their funds would dwindled if they were careful and he wasn’t about to help them. He let Jenphira handle the dwarf and kept quiet. He kept his attention on his ale, stirring it a bit before venturing a taste. The flavor was bitter and harsh on his tongue. When server finally left, he spoke. “You realize our funds will run dry if we’re careless.” His oxidize eyes stared back at her with concern and worry, softening his usually hardened curves. He sighed than thoughtfully asked the very question that likely on both of their minds. “Umm, any idea what to do next?”