[center][color=gray][h3]Leisy Takigawa[/h3][/color] Feyhollow Town[/center] A smile on her face, Leisy wandered back towards the main road that led to Feyhollow Town. On the way back, she logged her new Pokemon onto her Pokedex. [i]Larvitar,[/i] Leisy read, a faint smile on her face as she skimmed the entry. [indent][b]Larvitar is born deep under the ground. To come up to the surface, this Pokémon must eat its way through the soil above. Until it does so, Larvitar cannot see its parents.[/b][/indent] [i]Devi was alone when I found him,[/i] Leisy thought with a frown before spotting a familiar figure near a tree in town. [color=gray]”Raven!”[/color] Leisy called, walking over with a smile. Seeing the Weedle he’d caught out and about, Leisy grinned. They both now had one more Pokemon than they had when they’d met. [color=gray]”Oh, hello!”[/color] Leisy said, spotting a girl standing near Raven and his Weedle. [hr] [center][color=indianred][h3]Shanae Eller[/h3][/color] Central City[/center] Shanae was still poking around bushes as the moon rose high in the night sky. Twilight in the forests around Central was beautiful, with nocturnal Pokemon coming out to play. [color=indianred]”Is there anything there, Ebon?”[/color] Shanae asked, pushing apart the leafy foliage that blocked her view of the river. The Houndour flicked his ears in a flat ‘no,’ leading the way down along the river and away from Central City. The trio—Ebon, followed by Shanae and Amatorius—made their way towards the mountains that surrounded Central City in silence, Shanae’s eyes trained on her newly-evolved Jigglypuff rather than her Houndoom. Unlike Ebon, Amatorius had always been uncomfortable in his skin. It wasn’t so much as a lack of belief in his abilities; rather, he didn’t seem to believe that he had abilities at all. Although Shanae had stuck the then-Igglybuff in quite a few battles, Amatorius had never developed the self-confidence Shanae easily found in all her other Pokemon, and Shanae was beginning to feel like an irresponsible mother—[i]er, trainer,[/i] Shanae thought, sighing. It was late, but she had a missions and she’d be damned if it didn’t go as planned. [hr] // Leisy (HHG) - +1TP [@eklispe][@luckyblackcat]