The Wildling had followed the strange creature as it fled the tempest that had suddenly swept through the Wilderdeep. It had felt too much like what they'd experienced moments prior, but magnified to the point that Serah had wanted to empty the contents of her stomach. Following the creature, despite the unknown threat it possessed, seemed to be a better choice for her. At least, with the creature, they had something tangible to attack should hackles rise once more. Serah chanced a look around, noticing that the rest of her companions had chosen to accompany her and the creature, one way or another. They had ran, away from the threat of the Wilderdeep, but also away from what little path they'd followed. She turned her eyes back to the form of the creature in front of her. She hastened her steps until she ran by the side of the creature. [i]'Perhaps an explanation?'[/i] she paused, adding in afterthought, [i]'Whatever it is, you fear it too. We can help rid this place of it.'[/i]