[@Americore] [@LetsFly] Nice, loving the characters, accepted. Need one more person to express interest and I'll get an OOC going. {: BUMP. EDIT: Going to throw my character into the melting pot so that you can have a read if you're interested. [hider= EDEN Passport - Hackett] [img]http://i1070.photobucket.com/albums/u500/smileyjaws94/new%20earth%20engineer_zps9t68jvuc.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b][color=gray] Thomas 'Tommy' Hackett[/color] [b]Age:[/b] [color=gray]36[/color] [b]Sex:[/b] [color=gray]Male[/color] [b]Nationality:[/b] [color=gray]Irish[/color] [b]Occupation:[/b] [color=gray]Flight Engineer[/color] [b]ID no.:[/b] [color=gray]TH1667906[/color] [b]Bio:[/b] [color=gray]Tommy was born an only child to working class parents of the generation birthed during or around the time of Ireland's 2009 crash and recession. From a young age he was fascinated by Outer Space, books, documentaries, fiction, science-fiction - the topic was something he could just never tire of talking or thinking about. When asked by his elders[/color] [i]"What do you want to be when you grow up?"[/i][color=gray] The answer was almost always the same with a little variation in his teens.[/color] [i]"I want to be an astronaut, I want to go to space."[/i] [color=gray]Tommy was always a bright kid. His mother, Judith (affectionately known as Jodie) had always called Tommy their 'miracle' on account of how up until his conception they believed they could not have children. In secondary school getting into the wrong crowd and through the almost ritual rite of 'boys will be boys', Tommy's grades began to slip and his record as a trouble-maker began to grow. Fighting, use of substances on school grounds, verbal and physical threatening of teachers were a few of the marks against him. Coming into his senior year at school it seemed like Tommy was going to be 'asked to leave' effectively being expelled without the hassle of going through the BoE (Board of Education). Thanks to the good graces of his Technology & Workshop teacher who fully believed in Tommy's potential, he was saved from fate with the knowledge that in the time it would take them to process his expulsion he'd have already finished school with his results. Thomas senior, young Tommy's father had always had his own problems, alcoholism, drugs and gambling to scratch at the surface of deep psychological issues but he was always someone Tommy looked up to in some respects. He was a hard-worker, a good father on occasion he was sober, a provider and a man who maybe with a push in the right direction could have been more. In those ways, Tommy wanted to be like his father and go on to achieve greater things, truly spectacular things. The realization came the night he nearly left school forever, sitting across from his dad at the kitchen table, drinking and passing a joint as they did many nights. Tommy knuckled down for the rest of his senior year and stuck his head into books harnessing his natural talent and intellect and capacity for learning. He left school with relatively impressive results went on to study Mechanical Engineering in the capital, Dublin's Institute of Technology. It was during his third year of the course that his work placement for 6 months lined up a series of events and acquaintances that realize Tommy's lifelong and childhood dream. Reaching space. The year he finished and graduated from his course, 2035 was right around the time Terra I & II had been successfully launched and landed, the first idea of building a base on the moon had been realized. Tommy secured a job working for the ESA (European Space Agency) as a Systems & Mechanical Engineer mainly dealing with design, construction and use of machines among other things that would be taken to the moon or used to get there. It was only a couple of years later before Tommy was approached with an opportunity of a lifetime, to join those on EDEN as the base had been dubbed as a Flight Engineer, his background in mechanical engineering, short but interesting experience at the ESA and handyman capabilities made him an ideal candidate and after three more years of preparation in 2040 Tommy Hackett arrived at EDEN a fully fledged astronaut, a dream he thought for the longest time had been lost with childhood. Tommy has spent the last decade on EDEN.[/color] [b]Personality:[/b] [color=gray]Something of a reserved introvert, Tommy can seem at a slower pace when interacting socially with others, preferring to think before he speaks or acts. Never the type to wake up and spring into action this has become a bit of a forced trait closer to a habit since coming to EDEN. Like running, for many it can take time to put on their jogging shoes, feet feel heavy as if they'll never get moving but when you pick up pace nothing will stop you. Tommy is not an unsocial creature, some would argue it's the Irish in him and he just can't help it. His accent and potatoes often being the running joke at his expense. A friendly face and smile for just about anybody is Tommy's way of being, while it may take him a little while to warm up to you, he's a loyal and honest friend.[/color] [b]Other:[/b] [color=gray]N/A[/color][/hider]