[@zackattack279] While I do think the character is good... I don't think I can fit him into the story. I mean I can initially but it is doubtful I can keep on writing for him in the long run since I already have a ton that I have approved. Sorry but I'm gonna have to let him go. [@wxps350] A little too armored for a Mercenary but whatevs. He's in. [@cloudystar] He's good. ----- [@Melkor] Discouraging real life pictures is what I actually implied. So with that said, you are free to change your picture while I stare at your Character Sheet and consult the goddess Anna for advice. [quote=@Nanashi Ninanai] EDIT: Also, can we start with a ranged sword? Things like the Levin Sword, or Runeblade/Lightbrand/Wind Sword? [/quote] Yes you can. [quote=@cloudystar] Also, are we limiting the weapon classes we get from the beginning so no one starts with like a B or A ranked weapon XD [/quote] No, you can start with a Silver Weapon or an Arcfire. Just no legendary stuff. Also, weapon tree doesn't matter in this RP. As was said in the rules. ------------------ We've gotten enough people now so I shall begin the RP proper in a day or so. People can still join so long as the Status up there says "Apply" but I'll close it if there's too many people or if we're near the end of the story.