[hider=Angelise] [hider=Appearance] [img]http://safebooru.org//images/1533/afa05b0b9de6f0de0d32d6b8ca03f2c12bd0cd3f.png[/img] 165 cm/53 kg. Despite her usually indulging herself in heavy physical activities, her body build lean more on thin, and she's actually a little bit sickly and not that strong physically. [/hider] Name: Angelise Veltamiria Age: 23 Sex: Female Class: Bow Knight Special Abilities: Beastbane, Wyrmsbane, Clear Mind → Slayer Equipment: Wind Sword, Longbow History: Angelise was born as the second child of king Aravis of Juggdrali, however she grew up knowing for a fact that she had zero chance to inherit the throne, much to her delight. She grew up pursuing many interests, devouring books left and right and also indulged herself in physical training she wouldn't be able to partake in otherwise. She trained herself in using a bow, and at her early teens she already joined the biannual hunting event in the kingdom, alongside her father and older brother. She started off with birds and other smaller animals, but by then she grew to love the activity of hunting, and moved on to bigger games. She took it to herself to learn about where should she strike at her games to efficiently kill them, and at the end of it she became quite the accomplished hunter. As she grew up, she slowly realized the intense pressure of the noble families vying for influence in her small kingdom. Even with her trying her best to distance herself from them, Angelise felt that she was woefully unprepared to navigate through that mess, unlike her brother. After one point, she weighed her options about what kind of direction would her life go. Sooner or later, she felt that she could probably be married off to one of these nobles by her father, and the prospect worried her to some degree. Even hitting her twenties still didn't bring some closure to her dislike of taking some responsibilities on her back. So, in the end she asked her father whether it's fine for her to travel around the Concillium kingdoms with the excuse of helping to maintain good relationship and to inform him of any developments if she could. Her father agreed after a nights-long debate session, and so Angelise hit the road with her trusty horse. Of course, the main thing on Angelise' mind by then was her desire to bring home more trophies and to indulge herself with her hobby more (something her father was already aware of). Aware of the incidents involving the dwarves and Varjo that happened lately thanks to rumors, in the end she set out to find out more about it even if it's just because her father would order her to find out sooner or later and she couldn't afford to lose her current, fleeting freedom. Personality: [/hider] [@PaulHaynek] Alright, in that case here it is. Haven't been able to expand the kingdom much here, but hopefully I'll be able to do it later.