[center][sub][sup][h3]-=+{[ [b][u]THOUGHT OF THE DAY: EVEN A MAN WITH NOTHING CAN STILL GIVE HIS LIFE[/u][/b] ]}+=-[/h3][/sup][/sub] [hr][hr] [img]http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/684845889464171870/0F164019662A0F7DFF260B72E69937C1314A8F25/?interpolation=lanczos-none&output-format=jpeg&output-quality=95&fit=inside%7C1024:731&composite-to%3D*%2C*%7C1024%3A731&background-color=black[/img] [hr][hr][/center] [quote=Major Branton, Commander of the Londor Union Guard][i]"Today, we set forth unto the Selecucis Sector with the Emperor as our witness. Today we shall liberate the faithful subjects of the God-Emperor from the corrupted clutches of the heretic and the traitor. Today, we shall show the Imperium that the Imperial Guard never falters and always marches forth in its holy duty. For each one of you an indomitable soldier of the Emperor’s holy army that can slay the beast of Chaos. By the blessing of our divine God-Emperor, the warp storm that has crippled and isolated the Selecucis Sector has loosened its foul grip and we, brave men and women of Londor have been granted a most holy duty to cleanse the system and take it back to the Emperor’s holy light. Thousands of fellow Imperials cry out in desperate prayer and it is us to which the honor of answer the call shall be! Our allies mount a valiant defense of their worlds and the Union Guard will be there next to them in the trenches, in the bunkers, in the streets and in death if we must! No matter how great our odds are, we shall be ever victorious! Our odds may be against us, but we have no need for fortune with the Emperor on our side! Even if the we must fight alone, then we shall fight with unwavering courage! We shall fight with weapons of retribution and hearts of iron no matter where our battles may be! For all of you are the pride of the combined efforts of our great Union and Imperium! We shall go on until we cannot no more; there will be no surrender for if we are to die in His service, we are to die standing like true guardsmen. Until the bitter end, we shall fight as is our duty as the Hammer of the Emperor! We will NEVER surrender! With the Emperor as our witness and your very presence a testament, we shall eradicate the taint of Chaos and its vile abominations. For to us is given the honor to of striking a blow against those who fail to see the light of the Emperor and his divine truth! With stout hearts and enthusiasm for the contest, let us go forth to victory against the traitors! Into the belly of the damnable beast! Into the gates of an unforgiving hell! Into the annals of history! For our deaths shall be glorious as martyrs to His divine creed! We will be legendary! We will be remembered for one thousand years and beyond! With hundreds of thousands of hands ready to die for our duty in service to the Emperor, we shall know no fear, no mercy and no cowardice. For we are the Union Guard of the Londor System! For Emperor and System![/i][/quote]