[hider=Character Template] Faction: Black Templars (Imperium) Force Type: Adeptus Astartes Force Name: Bladed Crusaders, 45th Company Leaders: [b]Marshal Phornassus[/b]: Was a Castellan until the Crusade of Wrath, becoming instrumental in their eradication of the Word Bearers forces and putting all of them to the sword. The Marshal is quite old now, and may soon become a Dreadnought if he isn't careful. However, he is strong and wise beyond his years. [b]Castellan[/b]: Castellan Gareth, a former Emperor's Champion and a battle brother that took command of his unit during one of the great incursions of the Tyranid swarm Kraken during the Nimbosa crusade, saving his unit from being taken unaware by a splinter fleet and successfully fighting their way out to make it to Nimbosa. [b]Emperor's Champion[/b]: 200 years old, Sword Brethren Uther has fought with the Blooded Crusaders through most of their Crusades, having served with distinction and having just received visions of a coming victory against Chaos upon the Hive World Dis, being made into one of the Emperor's Champions and given the 'Black Sword' to carry out the Emperor's will. [hider=Troops] Infantry: 80 Initiates (Normal Templars) Chainswords, Bolters (with heavy bayonets), Frag Grenades, Power swords, Flamers, Powerfists. All weapons bear devotion chains. Veterans: 40 Sword Brethren (Veterans) Power swords, Bolters (with heavy bayonets), Melta Bombs, Plasma Pistols. All weapons bear devotion chains. [/hider] [hider=Vehicles]2 [url=http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Hunter]Hunters[/url], 5 [url=http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Whirlwind_Helios]Helios[/url], 5 [url=http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Dreadnought]Black Templars Mars Pattern Mark V Dreadnought[/url], 5 [url=http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Land_Raider_Crusader]Land Raider Crusader[/url][/hider], . Force History: This Company was formed from the valiant efforts of Castellan Phornassus in The Crusade of Wrath (888.M41). His forces then served with distinction in the The Nimbosa Crusade (993.M41) fighting the Tau off of the Imperium's eastern worlds, specifically the planet of Nimbosa and the destruction of a Tau garrison. They found themselves at the core of the fighting during the Barbarosa Crusade (998.M41) fighting Orks that had fled the world of Armageddon and Chaos troops at one of the Black Templars sacred Temples. Recently, they helped run off forces of Abaddon the Despoiler during the 13th Black Crusade (999.M41). [/hider]