[center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Cleon%20Knight&name=Chris%27s%20Handwriting.ttf&size=100&style_color=A87000[/img][/center] [i]Well, that worked.[/i] [color=DAA520][b]"Ow!"[/b][/color] Cleon was moreso lazy than ill-prepared for the woman's retaliation when she took one of the empty cups and slammed it against the top of his head. While he had a moment to whine to himself, it was far more surprising to see her take the former seat of the orc. His eye caught wind of his unlucky orc associate being dragged away, and everyone finally getting off his case. Taking a breath, Cleon rotated to the front of his seat, cupping his hands together. [color=DAA520][b]"Look, I did not mean to insult your womanly pride [i]that[/i] much,"[/b][/color] he found it strange that she, of all people, was still in his presence, even after his witty remark. He knew that he had a bit of an attitude problem, but the man had traveled for weeks on end, and simply put; he just wanted some alone time. And then, Cleon unwillingly began to let the remorse kick in. Sighing, he pinched his thumbs together, his head sagging down for a moment before he turned to the woman. [color=DAA520][b]"I came into town after a week of roasting in the desert,"[/b][/color] he started, figuring that if the woman was a knight, she was educated enough to understand a bit of empathy. [color=DAA520][b]"Wasn't in the mood to get my skull driven down my throat today by that orc, unfortunately."[/b][/color] He dug into his pocket and flipped a few gold coins on to the table, to cover for his past drinks and the woman's tankard. [color=DAA520][b]"So, sorry for calling you a prostitute,"[/b][/color] Cleon shrugged. [color=DAA520][b]"Well, unless you consider it a compliment. Anyway, everyone's been bothering me today for some reason, what do you want?"[/b][/color]