Saving Progress (Again)((again)) ok, I think its done, However im pretty loopy right now, so forgive my most serious technical errors (ill fix it later) [hider] Name: Xsar Gender: Male Appearance: [hider][img][/img][/hider] Personality: Xsar is a jubilant and happy God, generally. His mood changes on a whim, and his actions also reflect this, he is often changing with each passing fancy. Underneath it all there does seem to be a wicked intelligence capable of true magnificence but fractured through his insanity. Major Domain: Madness Minor Domains: joy, Scholars (the pursuit of knowledge) Your Avatar: [hider= Shambling horror][img][/img][/hider] Stance: Xsar's loyalty is random at best or schizophrenic at worst on the surface, but beneath the shifting tides of loyalty there is a method to his madness. Relations: Rabble Rouser with Janin [@Tackytaff] Thorn in the side of [@agentmanatee] Oh and i helped kill War with... someone (Probably more, PM me for ideas) Powers: Xsar's powers are as insane as himself, he probably isn't actually aware of the extent of his abilities. He could cause an entire battalion of raging ogres to suddenly become a raging battalion of hamsters, or cause them to break down into a hallucinatory rage or have all their armor simply vanish. nobody knows and Malal certainly doesnt. He also can single handedly start a raving party, with his powers over Joy he can use this power to liven up a party or more sickeningly, make his soldiers perfectly happy while getting maimed in combat laughing as their platoon is destroyed. Finally his power over scholars and the pursuit of knowledge is not an offensive ability but it ties in with his domain of madness. he can fill scholars with obsessive compulsions to learn more driving them to the brink of sanity and straining their health. The use of this ability has generated knowledge about great secrets and forbidden knowledge that Xsar and his scholars will share freely, broadcasting divine secrets from the rooftops. Godly Equipment: Helm of discord: At will Xsar can surround himself with vibrant life like hallucinations drawn from the twisted nightmares of Xsar himself. Often times these take the "shape" of twisted monstrosities who have no concept of biology or how creatures should exist. Xsar seems largely uneffected by the use of the helm but will often confuse and horrify lesser creatures. Rift Stone: A polished grey stone about the size of a fist that can tear holes through reality to other points within his own domain. With some effort on the part of Xsar he can use it to move from anywhere and into his domain, but not to leave. Also the time between departure and arrival seems random at best, taking only seconds or sometimes days. (note: there is often a mild dusting of powdered sugar on the ground wherever his portals had been used) A copy of the Infinite chalice: Xsar was very jealous of the Infinite Chalice used by Janin so he made a crude copy for his own use. It is a simple clay goblet painted as if by a child with flowers and terribly drawn animals. BUT! it works, the goblet holds an infinite amount of wine, cheap and sour wine granted, but an infinite amount. Demi Gods: [Hider=Gate Keeper][img][/img] The Gate Keeper is a deranged paranoid maniac who denies all access to the lower levels of the Pyramid. The only person seen passing the gate keeper is Xsar himself. The only power he has is true and complete immortality. his limbs can be severed but he will still survive, and taunt his foe. The gate keeper uses a Quick Silver blade, a sword made of liquid metal that shifts its balance constantly during combat. [b]It is not a Gods Bane weapon[/b], but it is a very difficult weapon to use the gate keeper however is a master with the weapon. [/hider] [hider= The Librarian Quealana] [img][/img] She is a blind Scholar with a broken body, her lower half born fused with a spider. but her intelligence is vast, and she is obsessed with accumulating knowledge. Her immobile form sits in the entrance to the extra-dimensional library. very few can navigate the library successfully because beyond the books of common knowledge it becomes very dangerous, but the rewards can be great finding by books that have not been written yet. The librarian Quealana knows how to navigate the twisted maze of space and time within the library but is unable to move herself. A few trusted scholars with armed gaurds will sometimes venture deeper into the library with enough gear to survive for several days if they get lost. [/hider] Name of your Land: Asajnoksdfjigopdshiergknowqohiyhdsog (Commonly known as Wonderland) Lands: The geography of wonderland is quite unremarkable, great plains stretching for miles the lands are fertile with rolling farmland around a great city with a massive pyramid at its center. Beyond the farmlands the terrain becomes ever more strange and wild, to the north forests of great mushrooms with tribes of Mycellium-Men stomping through the undergrowth protecting their forest from the Mushroom soup bandits. In the south there is nothing but vast desert and the great wurms that are believed to be immortals but nobody is actually sure. In the center of the southern desert is a floating platform of Xsar's design that has a scale map of each land modeled to perfection, each building in each city made to excruciating detail. to the east and west are great forests that seem to be normal, but contain dreaded creatures within them. Many of them are not neccecarily evil, some are quite friendly, but quite dangerous. People: In the City are mostly regular human beings, with Mushroom men traders coming down to trade from the forests to the north. However several Immortals such as ogres and Shoggoth live along side humans with little issues. Culture: The human culture is resembles a proto-Egyptian culture with some coloring of tribal aztec culture. however there is often some Mushroom man traders. However they do not keep slaves, mostly its just the wearing of robes and feathers with the occasional blood sacrifice to Xsar that he never asked for, but is always appreciated. The rest of his domain is populated by mad bandits, who are like normal bandits but like to give their victims a good song and dance routine while robbing them. Wandering tribes of humans surviving in the desert and only rarely being eaten by the great wurms of the desert Technology: High Bronze and occasional stone age for the most of society, however the military and the high ranking members in the capital do have access to early medieval weapons and armor. Capital: Umlaut, the Capital city is the only true city in Wonderland for the most part it operates as any other city with the exception of the grand Pyramid in the center. upon entering the Pyramid the internal structure's geometry is something that strains the mind most human's do not enter the pyramid unless they have to because most of them feel quite ill within an hour of being inside. Most immortal beings however merely find it confusing or uneasy. Beings: Ogres: Hulking masses of muscle, unlike most of their cousins the ogres in Wonderland are very friendly and rowdy. occasionally wounding a human with an over excited hug. Shoggoth: These are blob like creatures that are immensely strong lifting stone slabs weighing tons by flowing their whole body under the slab and stabilizing it by extruding tentacles from their body. Fae: Several races of Fae live in wonderland, mostly little pixies and faries that are not immortals but live far longer than most humans, they mostly do very little but occasionally become a secret maid service or cobbler employees. The terms of these contracts are obviously a form of madness. Dungeon Keepers: the truest form of the madness in the land, these are a race of berzerker demons that live underground and only occasionally harass the humans living on the surface. The part of the Gate Keeper's job is to prevent these demons from coming up into the Great Pyramid through its network of tunnels. or allow them to reach the hidden chamber in the base of the pyramid. [/hider]