[@Tsar Gatto] That is a good character. As far as historical accuracy I only noticed two odd things. The first is the longsword. If you are talking about this: [hider=longsword][img]https://i.ytimg.com/vi/IoIOpmYNzUA/maxresdefault.jpg[/img][/hider] I would advice against it. Twohanded swords weren't used in this culture because there was no need for the extra power and slight range enhancement. In fact it made matters worse since you had to sacrifice a shield or second weapon for that grip, as well as the techniques that are developed in the culture, you'd basically have to figure out how to fight all by yourself. If you had to go all in for one weapon you'd better make sure it was a good one, like a spear. The second is the no-wife thing. I know, I'm one to talk, being wife-less myself. Do expect people to talk about it, and since your character still has a few good years left (and is rich) women would try to claim you, if not by themselves then their parents would like to have very serious talks. Luckily for me, Arne is as ancient as the gods, no one wants that shit ;P Possible gossip: Who takes care of his house when he is away? (A slave cannot legally do this) Children?