[center][color=gray][h3]Leisy Takigawa[/h3][/color] Feyhollow Town[/center] [color=gray]”Leisy,”[/color] Leisy said, introducing herself and reaching to shake the other girl’s hand. [color=gray]”I trust that your name isn’t actually ‘pink-haired patchdress girl?’”[/color] Leisy joked, a friendly smile on her face as she looked at the Pokemon at the girl’s side. [color=gray]”Oh! Trubbish, right? You don’t see too many of these guys around Central,”[/color] Leisy said, stooping down to look at the intricately weaved Pokemon. [color=gray]”Actually, I’ve never seen a wild Trubbish.”[/color] Trubbish had been one of the Pokemon Poke Corp had been very interested in. When Leisy had visited the corporation’s research labs, she’d seen a few trubbish lingering around in a room being observed by scientists busily taking notes on a clipboard. As smelly as the Pokemon was reputed to be, its origins were truly mysterious and amazing, although this particular Trubbish didn’t seem to smell bad at all. [color=gray]”How did you meet him?”[/color] Leisy prompted, genuinely interested. [hr] [center][color=indianred][h3]Shanae Eller[/h3][/color] Central City[/center] [color=indianred]”C’mon Tori!”[/color] Shanae cheered as Amatorius stumbled up the last stretch of mountain path towards the lookout point. Shanae had found the little spot back when she was just a beginning trainer and still busy chasing after wild Pokemon to challenge and train her Pokemon. Sitting on the ledge at night and staring at the stars had been one of Shanae’s favorite activities with her Pokemon. [color=indianred]”The stars are beautiful tonight,”[/color] she said, grinning and ruffling Ebon’s head. The Houndour sniffed in annoyance but allowed his trainer to mess up his fur as she’d done so often back when he was still overly cocky and inexperienced. [color=indianred]”C’mere, Tori,”[/color] Shanae said, scooping the Jigglypuff up. [hr] // Leisy (HHG) - +1TP [@eklispe][@luckyblackcat]