Caia had gotten there late. She got there just in time to hear the instructions, swearing silently. There was little material left, but she could work with it. She investigated the materials thoroughly, deciding to take 4 mithril, 3 gold, 2 bronze, and 1 steel for the sword itself. For the scabbard, she would take 4 gold and 1 iron. She carried the materials back to her station, all the while swearing under her breath. She dumped them onto the forge, making a design for the sword she would make in her head. It would have a core of 1 bronze, 2 gold and 2 mithril. Mithril and gold were the best materials she had in her stock for making a magic sword, but mithril was one of the hardest materials to work with, so she would need to be extra careful. The outer shell would be very pretty, 2 mithril, 1 bronze, and 1 gold. 1 steel would be used for the handle. Both the sword and scabbard would be purely ceremonial, she had no need to make it fight-worthy. The sword would have beautiful gold embellishments on its handle and the blade. The scabbard would have even more pretty gold embellishments, making it what she thought was the perfect sword for the god. Actions in this post: Material gathering Designing