An-Hasst heard Geradin's roar. Well... Could one ask for a stronger, less ambiguous indication that the fight against this beast was bein agreed to than this ? Probably not. The huge Skayleigh aimed with one eye and pulled the trigger. The sound of the crossbow's mechanism was much louder than that of the bolt travelling right into what, according to analogy, had to be the beast's clavicle. The half-elf briefly considered two very different options. The first one: reload. The second one: Grab the two bayonets and assist Beren as the warrior monk had decided to go melee. Judging the effectiveness of the first bolt was only one part of the equation. The other was if his comrade would be better off if he joined him in the swamp. However, after having looked at the two blades for the first time since their journey had begun, he decided that they were too short to be really effective against this beast. Additionally one couldn't be sure how solid the ground below the opaque water was. An-Hasst was well aware of the fact that he put a not-so-lithe man's weight down on each of his feet. The next bolt was nudged into the guiding depression along the crossbow's middle. It was one of higher quality, hopefully with considerably more penetration power. The Skayleigh aimed for the creature's breast. With it fighting both the lizardman and Beren, its head was a target he considered too difficult to hit from the distance. An-Hasst didn't see the 'defensive' role Sett started to play, otherwise he, by now, would maybe have turned into En-Rage(d).