Finally done! Hope everything looks good. [hider=Ahru] [center][img][/img] [b]Gender:[/b] More often than not Ahru manifests as a female, although the benefits of shape changing for a legendary prankster such as herself are clear. Almost all traditional depictions reflect her preferred female form, however. [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Ahru] [img],h_567,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/5fa514_0e876744b5324984800d2f4c2ef419a0.jpg[/img] [/hider] Ahru is an oddity among her fellow Gods. Despite most of them preferring their imposing immortal form Ahru instead appears as a mere mortal woman at almost all times. After all, it's easier to trick mortals when you look like them. Moreover as a mortal her Godly peers take her less seriously, which she quite honestly prefers. In her mortal form she stands far below other Gods, a mere 5'6". She is a lithe women, possessing a slender and quick frame. The girl is pale with a face alight with freckles. She is beautiful, as most Gods are, which proves to be an asset in her pranks. It's easier for her to manipulate someone attracted to her, after all. Ahru maintains an air of jolliness and informality, a guise that has long become effortless for her. She has a predisposition to mindlessly space out, playing with her hair or swinging her legs to and fro as she sits, giving the impression that she is carefree even in the most dire situations. She hasn't felt the need to call upon her godly form for some time and as such few Gods but those she favors greatly can claim to have seen it in person. [b]Personality:[/b] Ahru is undoubtedly the most carefree of the Gods. She cares not for their politics unless, of course, she has the opportunity to make things more 'interesting'. She is a being in constant search of a new distraction. She is fickle, rash, and most of all mischievous. She is known as the Trickster of the Gods for good reason. While her peers may be interested in establishing order in the world she is the source of chaos. She revels in disrupting the plans of her fellow Gods and inflicting her whims on the mortal world. One should not be mistaken, she is not 'evil' as one would traditionally define it, but is merely interested in creating situations that in turn interest her. Perhaps the most dangerous aspect of dealing with her is the fact that she is quick to change her mind, constantly acting on her first impulse. Of course she derives entertainment from far more baser activities as well- dancing, singing, anything that might sate her desire for a good time. Most of all she enjoys playing simple pranks on the Gods themselves- while creating chaos in the world may be fun the thought of Aesis sitting on a whoopie cushion greatly appeals to her as well. Despite her comical personality Ahru is deceptively shrewd and intelligent, traits that make her a natural deceiver. Her licentious attitude causes many to underestimate her, a mistake that has caused the downfall of many. If one can put up with Ahru's antics they may find a valuable albeit annoying friend, but many of her fellow immortals find her insufferable. [b]Major Domain:[/b] Ahru is the God of Mischief, holding dominion over tricks, pranks, and more sinister acts of deception. [b]Minor Domains:[/b] Fortune, Secrets [b]Avatar:[/b] [hider=The Jabberwock] [img][/img] [/hider] The Jabberwock stands at nearly 150 feet, smaller than most Godly avatars but making up for the disparity in agility and ferocity. The Jabberwock is a fearsome creature, imperceptibly fast with strength to boot. Despite its vicious appearance and aptitude for combat The Jabberwock reflects the disposition of Ahru: It has not interest in fighting. It will not attack unless it or Ahru is attacked. Instead it is content with playing games with mere mortals and, occasionally, the Gods if they are so interested. The Jabberwock is a master of all games, approaching humans with a promise: Those that can beat it in any game will receive whatever their heart desires, but those that lose will be cursed to die in a painful and premature fashion. [b]Stance:[/b] Ahru, of course, has absolutely no interest in ruling the Gods. That would be, by her estimation, incredibly boring. She does not strongly support anyone, preferring to keep her allegiance for whoever proves to be most interesting. [b]Loyalty During the Rebellion:[/b] Who needs to pick a side? Ahru is on every side and no side. She had no allegiance, instead going from one side to another to ensure things stayed as interesting as possible. [b]Center of Power:[/b] Most Gods make their object of power something that's important to them or something that represents their power. Ahru's center of power is a mouse. A [i]live[/i] mouse. Her more serious siblings have admonished her for making such an obviously terrible decision. Her response? She did it because it was fun. Having a living Center of Power was just so much more [i]interesting[/i]! Luckily her mouse, whom she has named Puck, has grown fond of her and is reluctant to make an escape attempt. Puck will try to find its way back to her if lost as well/ To be quite frank Ahru likes the mouse as well, and considers making her Center of Power her pet one of her better decisions. [b]Relations:[/b] Pending more characters/communication with other players. [b]Powers:[/b] Ahru is a highly capable archer, said to never miss her mark. Being a trickster she is naturally very agile and hard to get a hold of. She has little skill in a melee to speak of, preferring to keep her distance and stay out of direct combat. Her greatest skill is that of guile, the ability to sneak and steal. Even without her Skeleton Key it is said that she can pick any non-magical lock. Ahru has the ability to peer into the mind of mortals and discover their darkest secrets; this ability does not work when used upon immortals. Despite her prowess in combat it is rare to see her in a battle; fighting simply does not match her definition of fun. Ahru's power lies truly in her ability to trick and deceive even the Gods. To this end while she is in mortal form she can change her shape at will, although is unable to exceed the size of her typical form. [b]Godly Equipment:[/b] [b][i]Sunstrike-[/i][/b] Legend hold's that Ahru's bow, Sunstrike, has the power to pierce even the Sun, hence its name. She has yet to test this particular feature for fear of how she may alter existence as she knows it... and the wrath of Ilyona. However it is certain that an arrow shot from Sunstrike is very hard to stop, able to pierce shields, armor, and just about everything in the mortal world. Each arrow shot from the bow is rendered nigh unstoppable. Despite the great urge to wreak havoc with the weapon Ahru does demonstrate an uncharacteristic restraint with it, for fear that her peers will take it from her if she gets too eager. The bow is crafted from the light of the Moon itself, the limbs of the weapon having an ethereal quality, seemingly made of moonlight but nigh unbreakable. The string is taken from a lock of Ahru's own hair- not that of her mortal form, but of her godly form. It is a weapon greatly treasured by the trickster. It is a God's Bane weapon, although she has yet to try to claim an immortal life with it. [b][i]The Dagger That Does Not Cut-[/i][/b] One of the most curious weapons in the God's arsenal is her dagger. As the name implies the dagger is incredibly dull and is unable to cut even the softest of cheese. Despite this it is completely unbreakable no matter how much force is applied to it. The dagger has another curious property: All who touch its blade are destined to misfortune. Their plans will fail, their loved ones will come to shun them, they will lose their wealth, and for the rest of their life, however long that may be, they will be shrouded by misfortune. She has yet to see how the dagger will affect a God, but it is not a God's Bane weapon, so it is unknown how much of the dagger's properties will work upon an immortal. Ahru suspects that while it is not able to kill a God it will give them a burst of bad fortune. [b][i]Skeleton Key-[/i][/b] Ahru's greatest tool, a key that can open any lock. Its head has the design of a skull, but the rest of the key is ever changing to match the lock it will fit into. Only Ahru knows the secret to creating a lock that will not yield to the key, but she of course refuses to share this knowledge. [b][i]Cloak of Night-[/i][/b] When one looks upon the cloak it seems to be night itself- the black canvas seemingly as dark as the night's sky filled with glowing points of light that look like stars. It is a beautifully crafted garment made from the wool of a winged black ram; a strange creature borne into the mortal world by Rieth himself. The cloak has the unusual ability of turning all who wear it completely invisible, undoubtedly a useful tool in the trickster's arsenal. [b][i]Ahru's Slippers-[/i][/b] The unfortunate result of Ahru's own attempts at making a tool worthy of her pranks. These ill fitting slippers are ugly; a craftsman Ahru is not. There are made of the leather taken from a centaur and blessed with her own power. They are an ugly shade of brown and the shoe is improperly glued together, threatening constantly to come apart but never committing to self-destruction. They are uncomfortable on Ahru's feet but she finds herself wearing them often, perhaps because she feels some semblance of pride in their design, or, more likely, because of their extra-ordinary properties. Those who wear produce no sound from their feet. That is to say the sound of footsteps or that of falling are imperceptible to all but the wearer. [b]Demi Gods:[/b] [hider=Várlil the Vile] [img][/img] Várlil is Ahru's first born son, spawn of one of the few able to beat the Jabberwock in a game. Várlil is a murderer, raper, and committer of many more vile deeds in the mortal world- he is like his mother in the fact that he commits acts of chaos for his mere amusement, although he is far more evil. He encompasses the darker side of her mischief. Quite frankly Ahru would prefer to ignore him, never having need to call upon him, embarrassed by his crassness and violent tendencies. He has the supernatural strength that Ahru possesses alongside all gods and her great skill with the bow. [/hider] [hider=Reynard The Fox] [img][/img] Reynard appears less a fox and more some creature of magic. Ahru is the father, not the mother, of Reynard. The result of one of her whims, an 'experiment' with her shape changing abilities, Ahru is content with pretending Reynard does not exist. If Várlil represents the dark of Ahru's domain then the fox represents the lighter side of the sphere of mischief. He is a playful prankster and well loved in the mortal world, more whimsy than malice. Much like his sibling Ahru does not call upon her spawn often, but Reynard is eager for the chance to appease his parent. Reynard has the agility of Ahru and the ability to turn into shadow at his whim. [/hider] [b]Name of your Land:[/b] Jarenhold (Pronounced Yar-en-hold) [b]Lands:[/b] Jarenhold is an island entrenched in an eternal autumn, a surprisingly beautiful land considering the character of its ruler. It is covered in autumnal forests alight with the colors of fall,: red, orange, and brown hues of leaves that are nigh constantly falling. Despite this the trees are never bare, seemingly growing leaves as fast as they lose them. Besides the woods of Jarenhold one can find rolling fields that are canvased by flowers. Jarenhold is a temperate island, never overly hot or cold but maintaining a pleasant sunny atmosphere. Near the coast the forest and fields give way to beaches covered in white sand. The flora and fauna of Jarenhold are not peculiar- they are what you would expect from the mortal realm, overall an idyllic land that does not match its ruler. [b]People:[/b] The people of Jarenhold are simple, ordinary humans. They are predispositioned to a pale white complexion and red hair, matching their God's chosen form. [b]Culture:[/b] Men of Jarenhold are simple and hardworking- the land is known for the farms that dot its fields, storied as the source of the finest ale and produce in the mortal world. As the fields turn into the coast farming towns become smattering of fishing villages. Although they are a people that value labor their God ensured that they know how to have a good time. The towns of Jarenhold are alight with parties after the workday that will last well into the evening. Perhaps one of the greatest oddities in Jarenhold is the fact that Ahru can be found regularly joining in her people's revelry and, of course, playing tricks on them. For them she is less a God and more a whimsical spirit- in fact many in her land would not recognize her as the God of Mischief, more accustomed to worshiping depictions of her unfavored immortal form. Jarenhold is a simple land of simple people, although one must ask, why does a God such as Ahru hold dominion over such a seemingly unfitting land? The answer is simple: It's more fun for her to inflict her brand of mischief on ordinary mortals. For her the land of Jarenhold is less her domain and more a playground for her to find her jollies. [b]Technology:[/b] The land of Jarenhold is best described as Medieval Era, although there is little technology to speak of besides that which may be applied to farming. That is to say that one might find water wheels and advanced farming techniques but innovations involving warfare and weaponcraft are much less commonplace, as Jarenhold's people are a peaceful breed. [b]Capital:[/b] Jarenhold's capital, Alarah, is perhaps only distinguished from the other villages in that it is slightly larger and more centrally located. The architecture of Alarah, much like the rest of Jarenhold, is simple and wooden, the most formidable building in the village being a longhall dedicated to worship of their God. [b]Beings:[/b] Jarenhold has a small population of Kitsune. They are ordinary foxes save for the capability to speak and an intellect matching a human. Their ideals fall more in line with that of Ahru's. They revel in inflicting her mischief upon the people of Jarenhold, and are disliked by their Human neighbors. The exception to this is Reynard, who is respected as Ahru's own offspring, a Half-Breed who possess the ability to walk on two legs as a Human would. He has become well liked by the people of Alarah, his particular brand of whimsy and fun injecting life into the town. [/center] [/hider]