[h1][center][color=Ivory]Jaden Locke: Pandora's box, The Next Day[/color][/center][/h1] Sweat, Sex, and Alcohol. These were the scents that greeted Jaden as he roused himself from slumber, feeling a strange mix of exhaustion and relief settled into every fiber of his being. He attempted to push himself up off the hard ground, wondering why his bed felt so hard and sticky, but he found his arms were being restricted. When he turned to look at his trapped appendages, his drowsiness was instantly dispelled as he stared dumbstruck at the scene before him. Wrapped around his arm was a woman, completely naked from head to toe, her dark grey skin still slick and shining with sweat, raven black hair spilling over a perfect hourglass figure. Beyond her, a number of men and women lay on top of one another in piles of naked flesh, the stinking smell of sex hanging over them all. Jaden noticed with silent apprehension that none of the male bodies were moving and every woman in the club skin had changed to that same dark grey. Well, all except for one, for as he began to feel his heart pound in hsi chest, afraid that he'd done it again, he felt a slight shifting from his left side now. Holding on to his torso was Clara, as naked as all the others, but looking like herself. A shuddering sigh worked it's way out of Jaden, glad that she had been spared the fate of turning. However, the relief as was short-lived, the scene playing out before him being all too familiar. Even now, flashes of memory were coming to him, though whether they were from last night or the night centuries upon centuries prior, he couldn't tell. [color=Darkorchid][i][sub]. . . .Master[/sub][/i][/color] A collective whispered in his head, dozens of breathy voices filled with a lust for life at it's most primal. he could see them beginning to stir now, eyelids parting to show the bloodied irises underneath. Before they could full awaken, Jaden freed his arm while the one succubi's grip was loosened and made a quick series of gestures with his hand, drawing black arcane sigils in the air. Once he'd finished, a voice would speak in a language of whispered secrets and dark nights, calling the succubi away from this realm. And so they were banished, each demonized woman's form turning into black mist that would be absorbed into his own form, the essence that they collected filling him with strength, energy, disgust, and more guilt than one could possibly imagine. The succubi that had been entangled around his arm was one of the last to be absorbed, and thus, was able to wake up completely before the procedure could be finished. Looking up at her master, the demon would smile a sweet, almost innocent smile as she leaned in to kiss him. He didn't kiss back, unable to stop thinking about how young she looked. How old could she have been? 18? 19? 21? Hell, she could've even have been a minor that was snuck in. No matter what she had been before, the hopes and dreams that she had held, it was all gone now. The girl was long dead, killed and depraved of proper rest because he had lost control of his charge. he'd let himself grow complacent, after all these years. He was weak and spineless, and because of that, all of these people had died, in one form or another, leaving not but corpses and demons in their wake. The succubi pulled away from the kiss looking distraught, wondering what she had done to offend her master. Before she could speak, however, her body would fade away into a black smoke, leaving Jaden alone in this foul smelling pit of depravity. It was a that moment that he could no longer hold it in. Standing up from the floor, he'd make his way over to the nearest trashcan he could find and empty his guts into it. The sounds of his retching echoed off the walls in a way that made it sound much worse than it actually was. He'd be like this for sometime, but when had finally thrown-up everything that had been in his stomach and more, he didn't rise up. No, he fell to his knees, naked and pathetic, and began to cry. Thick tears would flow down his face as he bent over, head between his hands, and let out a series of pathetic, choked sobs. He had done this. He had let lose the demon upon these poor people, he had killed them, and their life force now ran through his veins. Stolen life that would sate the demon for years, but the cost for this blessing, for this silver-lining, was just too high.