This is kind of rough but it'll do for now. [h2]Factions[/h2] The 3 strongest nations of the continent have been around for a very long time. 2 used to be direct enemies and the last fought was on their own side since they only wanted to protect their territory which happened to be between the first 2 nations. The strongest in terms of man power is the Sola kingdom. Established on fertile plains, the Sola kingdom had prides itself on tenacity. Their defensive prowess is lauded as the best in the continent. Their heavy knights and cavalry are almost unstoppable on the field of battle. Their people are free spirited and generally positive from having the freedom to stretch their wings. They have, however, had issues with other races, especially marauding-types such as goblins and orcs, who wanted to take some of their bountiful resources. But in recent years, that schism has been done away with for the most part, although there’s still plenty of people who discriminate against other races and there’s still a long way to go before things really even out. The Sola Kingdom features a royal family, the current head of which is in his 70s as his sons have yet to prove that they can replace him. In terms of racism, the worst nation is probably the Magnus Empire. At least Sola had time to get into the swing of things before the orcs attacked. The Magnus Empire was founded in an area with scant vegetation and, not because they wanted to settle there, but because they had no choice but to do so. They were chased out of their lands by various monster races, and then they were chased out of the next land by the ones that lived there. This happened for quite some time before they finally settled down. What they found in that canyon of theirs, however, changed them forever. They found the runes of their ancestors, the ancient ways of magic. They used this to turn their fate around, carving a nation for themselves and taking land from their surroundings. The culture of the Magnus Empire is the least receptive of other races as many have a deep rooted fear of their previous oppressors. However, the Magnus Empire considers power first and foremost, and while rare, it is possible for people of other races to climb to positions of power. The emperor of Magnus is always changing as it typically goes to whoever proves they can do the job better. The current emperor has been emperor for a decade. The nation with the most advanced technology is undoubtedly the Yaroi Republic, a nation which thrives on an island chain. The volcanic eruptions of ancient times led to mountainous lands of fertile soil, which eventually grew abundant forests. But this bounty had to be shared. Unlike the Magnus Empire, when the humans of the Yaroi republic were faced with racial threats, they bargained for their space and offered their services. The Yaroi Republic was built on the efforts of everyone, and its ruling system features a council of elected leaders, representative of parts of the Republic. Yaroi is currently the most equal state as it values the ability to contribute more than race or appearance. Because of their wealth of metal that exceeds the other 2 nations, they have risen to be the most technologically productive of the bunch. [b]As of the signing of the treaties:[/b] The treaties were suggested by the Yaroi Republic and practically forced the sharing of information to the other countries. As a result, each country has gained something from each other. The method of creating firearms have been shared, some ancient magical secrets have been revealed and important military formations have been made into common practise, though each country reserves their greatest secrets as there is the possibility that the treaty may one day fall through. [h2]Character sheet:[/h2] I've got something to say about them so read carefully, alright? Here's the template first: [hider=CS template] [u]Biographical details[/u] [b]Name:[/b] Self-explanatory [b]Appearance:[/b] Either a description or picture. Clothes can be described in the armour section. [b]Race:[/b] Up to your discretion but don’t go overboard. Keep in mind that certain races have been discriminated against in the past. You will get racial characteristics from your races but some people will be prejudiced against certain races and act accordingly. [b]Height:[/b] Yeah, I need this. [b]Weight:[/b] As above [b]Age:[/b] There aren’t any restrictions, but you have to be reasonable. [b]Occupation:[/b] Pretty much whatever you want, but it has to make sense. [b]Personality:[/b] Description of what they’re like, what they do at parties, etc. I want some variety, arite? [b]History:[/b] Whatever you want to reveal to other players. Be creative with what you leave out, if you want to leave something out. Note that your character doesn’t have to specifically be looking for the wishing star, but if they are looking for it it’d make it easier for me. [b]Other:[/b] Quirks, fears, favourite colour, whatever you want to mention that you haven’t yet. [u]Combat section[/u] [b]Weapons:[/b] Your current arms, formatted in such a way that there’s space to talk about its special characteristics. Be creative. Weapons shouldn’t be anything too crazy yet. [b]Armour:[/b] What you’re wearing, formatted as above. Also include the clothes you’re wearing. [b]magic:[/b] Runic, innate or none. With runic magic you typically inscribe 1 use runes onto something or other, like paper or something, and use it whenever. Innate magic works a lot like psychic powers in that you can naturally manipulate or do something that’s magicky without runes. [b]Fighting style:[/b] Exactly as it sounds. Do you fight up close and personal or long ranged? Do you jump in and gun everything down or are you more careful with your approach? Or, controversially, do you prefer not to fight at all? [u]Miscellaneous stuff (well I say misc stuff but it’s pretty important)[/u] [b]Inventory:[/b] Your other gear that you haven’t listed, including food, water, and tools. I’d prefer you list these. Keep in mind that you should be well stocked, it’ll be a long trip and you don’t want to be unprepared. You can stock up on food and water in most towns, but certain towns won’t have certain tools. [b]Money:[/b] Everyone gets around 150 starting gold, or somewhere around there. Gold can be used to buy goods, bribe people and upgrade stuff. Having money is good and not having it is pretty annoying, but I’ll do my best not to let you die without it. Keep track of your expenses and update the gold tally regularly. [/hider]And here's the discussion: [hider=regulations] Let me just make a few things clear. Let's get the small stuff out of the way first: You don't have to start with any supplies like rations or whatever unless you really want to, you can buy them in the first town when the RP begins. There's only one general rule with the CS, don't be too ridiculous. I'll be looking them over and telling you about it if I find something wrong with it, but just remember to exercise some restraint. You're not gonna have a flying mithril sword or a quadruple fire shotgun yet, you might find one later but for now, you should just have normal stuff. There is an exception, but before I explain, to prove that you've read through this, put your character's favourite sauce flavour in the other section. Alright, now for the exception. For every character I'm going to allow them 1 special "thing", something that makes them stand out above the rest, be that an above average gun, sword, armour, or whatever. Pretty much a heritage weapon or something, something tied to your backstory that is pretty strong, like magic, an artifact, or whatever. But it's only 1 thing. This thing can also be a pet or something, but you can't divide your special to have 2 things. I'll be looking over it anyway, but I want that to be clarified before we begin. [/hider]