[color=Ivory][sub]"It's my fault. . .[/sub][/color] Jaden's voice was barely audible as he rose from the ground, his blue eys hazy and out of focus as he walked away from the sick filled trash can to one of the tables. Strangely enough, a bottle of wine was still on this one, undamaged and even uncorked. Grabbing it by the neck, the distraught man turned with a sudden swiftness and smash the bottle against the rail. Glass and wine, red as blood, would spill across the floor, leaving him with the sharp shattered remains. He'd stare at it for a moment, contemplating dark thoughts over and over in his mind, but in the end he just throw it angrily at a wall. It would be a futile gesture, be it through that or any other method. The demon's curse would keep him up, keep his heart beating for as long as he held it within his being. Another gout of firey rage would flow through Jaden as he leaned against the railing, the metal letting out a pained groan as it was bent and crushed in his hands, almost like it was made from paper-mache. [color=Ivory]"I should've known better then to come here, should've known that this kind of place would draw him out. But no, I felt I had it handled, I thought that he'd been sated the night before. I thought that I could finally, after years and years, just relax. And now, I've killed them. I've killed them all with my foolishness, my weakness."[/color] A shuddering laugh, empty and hollow, clawed it's way out of Jaden, first in small chuckling fits, but soon exploding in a full blown laugh. It was a hateful laugh, one that cursed everything that had happened in one's life that brought them to it. Taking a seat at one of the boothes, his laugh would soon die off as he looked over the carnage, even spotting James across the way, his pale flesh looking sick and infected under the pulsating lights from above. It was now that Jaden would seem to acknowledge Clara, his cerulean eyes staring right through her, almost as if he was stripping her down to her soul. It was a look that held hunger, but that hunger was not Jaden's, no, it was too intense for the gentle man. It was the look of a demon, one she had gotten to know quite intimately last night. [color=Ivory]"You ask me how this happened? Well I'll tell you exactly how it happened. I, in my weakness, lost control of that which makes me immortal. I lost control of a powerful demon lord of Lust and carnal sin, and he saw fit to feast himself on the essence of every soul here, turning the women into succubi who turned the men into the drained cadavers you see sprawled about. What happened is that I became a monster, worse than anything you could've imagined, because I wanted to have a little fun."[/color]