[@gohKamikaze][@Song Book][@Alisdragon911][@Dark Light][@Snarfulblast] A chill ran throughout Koru's body, while none of the names seemed to align with any of the gods from religions he had observed he couldn't help but shake the unease he felt. Simply thinking the names left his hands with a tremor so subtle that it might have been merely a draft. For once in a long time, Koru didn't want to pursue this font of knowledge his usually thirst for information being sated unusually early. Against his better judgement he jotted down the names in his tomb and closed it swiftly closed the book seemingly with little care for the ink that might bleed onto another page. This coupled with the terror filled glances he kept throwing the door's way only added to the unease the tapping had sown throughout the tavern. "Someone get the bloody door!" a rough voice broke Koru's train of thought; the bartender was clearly more irritated then wary of this sound. Koru sighed, as much as he would have liked to let the others deal with whatever strange occurrence the worry looks of the current patrons were either too afraid or busy to answer the call. Packing his book away Koru took long strides across to the door, hoping his body language would be enough to hide the fear behind his eyes. Gently he opened the door and observed whatever was on the other side.