[center] Clara was confused, wildly so...Trying to muster recollections of the night before, trying to understand that despite the bodies that lie around thsm, it was only she and Jaden that had remained. She was terribly exhausted, unwilling to think too deeply but unable to realize just what was before her as she tried to recall - the tangle of bodies; the exhilaration and lust all that she could focus on when she tried to figure it out for herself. Where Haden had gone that night had been beyond her -- his own abandonment had been the reason that she sought the attention of another l - one who knew exactly how to manipulate her body and make her beg. Her thoughts were silenced as she was startled by the sounds of breaking glass, and she stared at the aftermath, unable to realize just why he had been so angry. If anything, he should have been relieved, they been the only two spared from whatever the hell had unleashed that night before. His anger was foreign to her -- Clara had seen Haden angry before, had been the reason more than once that he had grown agitated but this, this was entirely different. This was an anger and frustration that seemed to longer in his very soul... And as he had broken out in laughter she had wondered if he had lost his damn mind. As he continued, she worried for his sanity, his words making little sense to her. Clara clutched the fabric of the table cloth to her chest amidst his raving, but when he had finally looked at her, she had seen it- the quick familiarity of the night before - the look that had nearly devoured her whole. His words that followed thereafter had worry settle deep within her stomach, flipping and settling in a way that made her feel not only terribly vulnerable, but also angry. It was unfathomable as he spoke in his anger, to think Jaden had been capable of more than just an argument here or there, was impossible. He had always been complacent, eager to please and easy to walk over, despite the feelings of inevitable guilt once in a while that she had. What he was trying to tell her was that he had housed some sexual demon. All of this time she couldn't have had a clue, his secret so massive and so well hidden that she didn't want to believe him. But the anger in his words, the guilt and frustration in his voice had her shaken. They were the only two left standing in that shell of a club.. And there was a dann good reason as to why. Regardless of the pit that found its way in her stomach over the fact that she had submitted with such wreckless abandon to someone who was a literal part of Jaden, she couldn't believe it - not as she suddenly closed the distance between them with a snarl, her gaze searching his for the lie that she hoped would be there as her fingers dug into the booth by his shoulders. "You fucking expect me to believe that?" Yet she was shaken in a way that gave her away. "You're telling me you've been able to hide the fact that you have a fucking [i]demon[/i] within you and because you wanted to enjoy yourself, [I]this[/i] happens?!" And it just so happened that that very demon had consumed her, made her his in ways that she hadn't thought possible. "Bullshit!"[/center]