[hr][hr][color=9966cc][center][h1]James Wolfe[/h1] [img]http://i917.photobucket.com/albums/ad11/myandrallene/Character%20Gifs/ezgif.com-resize_zps2l4mgf25.gif[/img] [b]Location:[/b] The Obstacle Tower; Camp Half-Blood. [sup][b]Interacting With:[/b] Aella Stedford.[/sup][/center] [hr][hr] [/color] [color=dimgray]“I give him two days.”[/color] [color=9966cc]Jamie gave his attention from the few remaining campers that had been chosen for the quest back to the female he knew briefly (and mostly in passing) as Marcel. A bet? Jamie wasn't quite sure how he felt about that. Betting was supposed to be for games; games where all someone would lose was cash or some clothes or some kind of favor. But what Marcel was betting on was lives. She reckoned that the quest leader, Alan, wouldn't last any longer than two days, and whether he agreed or not didn't stop the fact that they were still talking about someone's life. He wasn't given the chance to respond, however. The moment the dry (and maybe sarcastic? It was hard to tell) words passed her lips, Marcel took her leave, but was stopped by the woman on the horse. Not that she went out of her way to stop Marcel, the horse was simply too large and he didn't think she had known it was there to begin with.[/color] [color=dimgray]“Hades' breath... I was wondering what was kicking up a stink so much... Bit lost, don't cha think, Princess?”[/color] [color=orangered]“Nah… unfortunately for you, I know I’m in the right place; besides, I don’t remember asking you, Morticia- a child of Pluto I assume… your lot are never very welcoming.”[/color] [color=9966cc]Jamie wanted to chuckle at the snarky interaction. The female on the horse didn't even skip a beat with her reply, but Marcel either didn't hear her or didn't care as she was already headed back to where he assumed would be her cabin. Wasn't it her half sister that had been asked to join Alan on the quest? Something like that. Maybe she just wanted to go and say goodbye. Jamie pivoted the toe of his boot into the dirt underneath him. While he had at least Bexley as a half-sibling, he wasn't nearly close enough with her to know much more than her name. He had to wonder, if things had been different and he had been the one that had been asked to go on the quest, would she have wanted to say goodbye to him? Or the other way around - would he have gone and said goodbye to her? Goodbye's had never been hard until just a few weeks ago when he saw the lifeless eyes of his mother in that rainy gutter. And he had been the one to do it. Though time made the pain of her loss easier, he still hadn't been able to bring it within himself to say goodbye. Saying goodbye would admit that she was gone forever. He couldn't lie... there were still times when he believed that she would walk straight through camp to him to wipe a bit of dirt off his cheek, or that he would simply wake up the next morning to find out that the entire thing had been a terrible, terrible dream and would instead be greeted with breakfast in bed by her loving, smiling face. Jamie shook his head. He couldn't let these thoughts fester. Camp was supposed to be a new, fresh chapter. How could he move on if he kept bringing himself down like this? But then, what now? The campers were mostly all going about their business as usual, but he never really got into a "business as usual" routine - he was still fairly new. Letting his attention fall back onto the woman on the horse, he gave her a slight (if at all friendly) nod of acknowledgement. Did they just let people ride horses through camp like this? He knew that there was a centaur field, and there were pegasi in the stables so seeing an actual horse out in the middle of everything [i]with[/i] a rider was rather odd... but still being fresh meat, he wasn't sure if he said anything about it, he'd just be shot down for being wrong about something. So instead he stuck to something safe. "Child of Pluto?" His eyes tried making out the lettering on her shirt, since Marcel seemed it was relevant enough to make some kind of comment on it. SPQR - Camp Jupiter. Huh... now what was that supposed to mean? Maybe she was from another camp? He hadn't really thought about there being another place for demigods like him to be able to remain safe before. The thought had his heart doing a strange sort of flutter - maybe that meant he had more family out there somewhere... But then what did the planets have to do with all of this? "Do you, um, are you from like a... space... demigod... camp?" [/color]